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The doctor dude lended me a pair of crutches so I could walk, and Kelley offered to drive Kieran and I to the hospital. I guess she felt so bad, even though we both knew it was an accident.

Tobin decided to tag along, I guess she was worried too. 

As we were walking (very slowly) out of the stadium, Alex, Ali, Ashlyn, Emily, and Mal came up to us. "How ya feeling?" Mal asked.

"Fine, it hurts, but I've had worse." I replied.

"How so?" Alex asked. 

"Well, I've broken my arm before, that hurts like hell, and dislocating your knee is also very painful."

"Woah! You've dislocated your knee before? That's so cool!" Emily shouted. I knew she always had a ton of energy, and she was the perfect person to light up the mods right now."

"Yeah! I mean it wasn't when it happened, but telling the story always gets my stomach hurting from laughing too much." I chuckled, remembering the story.

"Ooh, can you tell me the story?" Emily asked. 

"Yeah! But it's kinda long." I shrugged.

"Kelley, I'm coming with you. I need to hear this." She sighed but agreed. 

Alex was talking to Kieran about something so we started to make our way to Kelley's car. Emily tried to race me, forgetting what happened to my ankle. 

Once we got to Kelley's car, Kelley pulled me aside to apologize.

"Listen kid. I know I've caused you a lot of physical pain and probably mental too, knowing that you cannot play soccer for a while. But I'm really really sorry and I feel so bad having to bring you out of training like this. I'm gonna bring you to the hospital, only because that's what's going to help you. I don't know why you're scared of them and I'm not going to ask, but I will stay with you the whole time, and I won't leave until I know you are home safe." 

I mentally laughed at that last part, even if I'm home I'm never safe with my parents. 

"Thank you, I know it was an accident and I don't blame you." I replied, seeing tears in her eyes. Hearing this, she immediately hugged me, lifting me off the ground. It hurt, she was totally pressing on a ton of my bruises but I felt something I've never felt with anyone but my wiith my brother.

In her arms it felt warm, not just her body but the feeling of the hug. Like someone actually cares about you. Yes, of course I have my brother, but he can't protect me at all costs. Kelley, on the other hand, would. I know she would.

I hugged her back, loving every second of it. She eventually put me down, only after Emily and Tobin shouted at us to hurry up. 

We hopped in the car and left, me barely being able to tell the story cuz I was laughing so hard. 

By the time I finished, Emily, Kieran, and I couldn't breathe it was so funny. Kelley was laughing too, but trying not to since she was behind the wheel. Tobin, on the other hand, gave us these weird looks, BUT with a smile on her face. 

We eventually got to the hospital, the place I have dreaded going since the accident. 

Kierans smile instantly faded, and so did mine. Emily noticed and squeezed my shoulder. "It's okay, it'll just be a quick visit. Then you can go home and get some rest." 

"Speaking of, do you guys know your parents phone numbers? We have to call them and tell them to come get you, they're probably worried sick." Tobin realized. Great. This is just perfect. 

I looked to Kieran. 'What do we do?' I mouthed. 'I got this.' He mouthed back. I trusted him, and let him go away with it. "No, they're in the Bahamas for a getaway. Our uncles watching us."

Cool. That's a good excuse.

"Oh. Well do you know your uncles number?" Tobin asked as we were getting out of the car.

"I have his contact, but I left my phone at home. Cora got in trouble so hers is taken away right now." Kieran stated. Damn. He is good at lying. Neither of us have phones.

"Okay then, we'll drop you off later tonight, and talk to your parents then." Kelley suggested.

We walked into the hospital, the nurse got one good look at my ankle, cringed, and got us an appointment right away.


I had to have an x-ray on my ankle, and yup, it is broken. I Held Kieran's hand the whole time we were there, it was just too scary to not. 

I know all the other girls definitely noticed my strange actions, because they kept eyeing me or giving me weird looks. 

I got a cast that went from my toes, all the way up to my shin. It was really itchy but I managed. I also really didn't want Kelley to feel even more bad if she saw that I was uncomfortable in it, I know she's already dying enough. 

Now came the dreaded part, the time to go home. Our parents would be so pissed. Neither of us coming home for 6 hours after we should've, me in a cast and crutches, and some random people they didn't know were driving us home. 

"Alright, ready to go home?" Kelley asked and put her arm around my shoulder. 

"Yup, I'm exhausted." I lied. 

"Kelley, don't you think it's already hard enough for her to walk?" Tobin elbowed Kelley in the ribs. 

"Oh shoot. You're right. I'm sorry." Kelley apologized. 

"It's fine." I laughed as we got in the car.

"Okay kid, what's your address?" Tobin asked, getting ready to type it into her phone. 

I decided to tell her my real address. The sooner we got home the less punishment there would be. "215 Rothwory Ave."

"Got it. Thanks." 

"Mom and dad are gonna be so pissed." Kieran whispered into my ear. 

"I know, we're gonna get the beating of a lifetime." I whispered back, wrapping my arms around his arm. It comforts me, knowing that whatever I go through, he's there with me. He may only be 4 minutes older than me, but he is the best older brother I could ask for.

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