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While Tobin checked on Kelley, I made sure the rest knew we were here. If they were even conscious, that is.

I got the rooms from the desk lady when Tobin got Kelley's. I decided to visit Sonny first, since she was the closest to Kelley.

I knocked on the door, just in case she was changing or something.

When nobody answered, I opened the door, worried she was unconscious. To my surprise, she wasn't.

"Hey Em." I smiled.

She looked up from messing with the medical machines, to where she smiled back. "How's the kid?" Was the first thing she said to me.

"She's in emergency surgery. Not sure what happened." I replied. I love how she immediately thought of Cora when she was just in a literal car crash. Cora must've really stolen her heart, swell as everyone else's.

"Wait what?" Her eyes widened.

"Yeah, Kieran is really worried about her. He said this is her third accident."

I saw a tear fall before she quickly put her head in her hands. "Hey, I'm sure she'll be fine. If you survived, so can she." I comforted.

After talking to her about what happened, I decided to go visit Mal and Rose. They're both in the same room, so I had to move around less.

I walked in, sighing once I saw both Mal and Rose conscious. 

Mal had a neck brace and a wrap around her wrist, but other than that, she seemed fine. There were some cuts around her body, but I was just happy she was okay. 

Rose didn't look much different, except for the fact that she had a huge wrap around her head as well. 

"Hey Al." Mal announced. 

"Hey. How're you guys feeling?" 

"Fine, but my head hurts." Rose answered.

This made me worried, so I offered to call a nurse. 

Rose refused, claiming she was fine. Mal was the same, except she felt completely alright. Thankfully, they both didn't have too big injuries so they should be back on the pitch soon.


I sat and talked with the two for a while until a nurse came in, kicking me out to do a checkup on them.

Because of this, I went back to Kelley's room, where Tobin and Kieran were. Kieran was still cuddled up in a ball on a chair, while Tobin was talking with Kel.

"Hey Al." Kelley smiled as I ran up to her.

"How're you feeling?" She asked once I broke the hug I gave her.

"Meh. My head really hurts and I can't feel my wrist but other than that, I'm fine. Except I'm really worried about Cora." She said with a sad face.

I have her another hug. Yes I'm not close with Cora, but she's really impacted the people she's gotten close with, and I don't think I've ever seen Kelley love someone so much. She would do anything for Cora, so I can't help but feel sorry for my best friend. Obviously there's nothing I can do, so I just have to be there for Kelley if the worst happens.


When Lex came in the room, I gave them a little space. I knew they have been best friends forever now, so they would probably be super chatty. Watching them, I noticed Kieran still silently crying on the chair. Seeing the usually happy and cheerful boy so upset made me want to cry myself. I walked over to him, picking him up and wrapping my arms around him. I sat back down in the chair and softly kissed his head.

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