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The next day


Our parents eventually let us out of the basement at 5:12 AM. This isn't the first time this has happened, so we carried on with our days, Cora covering the bruises with makeup, and me trying to take care of my cuts so they don't get infected. 

I walked into Cora's room to see if she was ready, seeing as it was time to go to her soccer. 

"Hey Cory, you ready?" I knocked. 

"Yeah, almost!" She shouted from the other side of the door. 

"Hurry up! We have to leave in 2 minutes if we want to make it in time." 

"Yup, got it." 

We have to bike the 3 miles on our crusty 7 year old bike, and we put our stuff, mainly hers, in the basket the bike holds.

Cora rushed out with her practice uniform on, her hair done in a braided ponytail, her soccer stuff, and no marks on her face. 

"Wow. You cleaned that up well." I told her, looking at her face. 

"Yeah, I tried." She smiled.

We ran outside, avoiding our parents, and hopped on the bike. It was really uncomfortable with two people on such a small bike, but it works. I got on in the front, while Cora got on behind me, holding my waist. We started pearling, and we're off.


We finally made it to the stadium after around 45 minutes of biking. We go really slow, only because two people on the tiniest bike ever is not that handy. 

I hopped off the bike and ran inside the stadium while Kieran placed it in one of the bike holders. I saw most of my team waiting for the rest of us to show, and right next to them, the. National. Team. Holy shit!!!! How could I forget about them!?! This has got to be the most exciting thing that has every happened to me and I nearly forgot about it! I am literally insane.

Anyways, I dropped my stuff off in the locker room and joined my team outside. 

"Hey Cory!" One of my teammates, Bianca shouted as she jumped on me. I jokingly screamed, but I'm not that tall and very thin, so I fell to the ground. I laughed it off, but it really hurt some of my bruises. I saw my whole team laughing and some of the USWNT girls laughing too. 

Bianca picked me up and brought me to the team. 

"This is Cora." My coach told the USWNT.

They all smiled at me so I said, "Hi!" With my crazy amount of energy. 

I saw Kieran in the stands wave, so I waved back, my hands big in the sky. I guess everyone saw me wave to him, so of course one of my other teammates, Brianna, had to say, "Ooh Cora. I think someone likes you." 

"That's my brother!" I exclaimed, leaving both teams in hysterics.

We talked for a while between our own teams, which was kind of surprising, i thought the USWNT would be more open. I don't know though.

My coach finally started talking, calming us down. "Okay girls, so I know you all noticed we have  some very special guests today." He smiled. "So I want you to all be on your best behavior, and show them what you've got." We nodded. I looked over to the professionals, to find a few of them staring at me. It was Alex, Kelley, and Ali. Why are they staring? Oh no, did I not cover up a bruise? Can they see something? I tried my best not to panic right then and there, because that would be very awkward, so I just focused back onto what coach was saying. 

"Alright girls, can the three girls that beat the mile time please stand up here?" Coach asked, so Peyton, Makena and I walked up to the front. Both of my teammates kinda tower over me, them being 5'7 at 15. Yes, I'm 5'1, AND A HALF, at 13. Eh, I still got a few more years. 

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