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Okay what the fuck. This little girl- who was barely even a teenager- was raped, lord knows how many times!

Cora was still hiding her face in her knee. "Cora. I need you to look at me." I demanded, worried for her safety.

The young girl lifted her head to look at me.

"We will get your brother. But you are not stepping foot inside that house. Ever again. After that we will go straight to the police and tell them about your parents, and uncle. You can stay here with one of us if you want, but if you do decide to come with us, then you are staying in the car. Do you understand?" She nodded. "Good. Now what would you like to do?" I asked her.

"Go with you."

"Okay, let's go." I announced, signaling for the girls to get out of the way. I helped Cora get off the counter, when she quietly asked me, "Can you carry me please? I want to sleep."

"Sure." I smiled. I picked her up this time normally, not bridal style. Tobin grabbed her crutches. Almost instantly, Cory was out. Her face was well hidden into my shoulder, but just in case she woke up and there was paparazzi everywhere, we placed a USWNT hat on her head.

Alex and Ali decided to sit this out, since they had lunch plans. Christen drove, while Tobin and I laid Cora on us in the backseat. She looked so peaceful sleeping.

The three of us made a plan in the car. It involved Cora, so as much as we didn't want to wake her, we had too to get her brother.

I gently shook Cora awake saying, "Cory, we need to ask you something." When she didn't respond, I shook her a little bit harder. She grunted, but hey, at least she was awake.

"Do you know your houses phone number?" I asked. She nodded. "What is it?"

She held up the numbers on her fingers. 4-0-7 2-3-6 5-1-9-8 "Thank you. You can go back to sleep now." I said as I kissed her forehead. She slightly smiled and went back to sleeping.


"Kieran! Answer the phone!" My mom shouted from the kitchen. I was in my room, she was literally right next to it. Hopefully it's Cora.

I picked up the phone with my mom eyeing me like a hawk. "Hello?"

"Hello, is this Kieran Costa?" The person through the phone asked.

"Yes, who is this?"

"Kieran, it's me, Tobin. Cora's with us. We're really sorry we didn't call you sooner but we didn't want Cora to go back to your house, so we took her to the hotel with us. We're arriving to your house, Cora doesn't feel safe with you still there. She's sleeping right now but she really wants you to come with us. Can you sneak out?" Tobin asked through the phone. I was so relieved when she said Cora was with her.

"Okay. Thank you." Was all I could think of so my mom wouldn't get suspicious.

I hung up just before my mom asked, "Who was that?"

"Some hospital calling about Cora." I replied and walked away.

The front door was in view of my mother, so I had to climb out the bathroom window. My room is on the second floor, and I do not want to end up like Cora (crippled).

I rushed outside and saw a black van pull up, with a girl I recognized from training yesterday, but I didn't know her name. Tobin hopped out of the backseat and hugged me.

"At you okay? Did they hurt you?" I was still limping from the other night, but I played it off cool.

"Yeah, I'm okay. We should probably hurry up though before my parents-" I got cut off by someone shouting.

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