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"Yeah... I'm fine."


I was definitely not fine. I had this whole plan.. to adopt Cora and keep her safe, and now all of a sudden she has family she never told us about? I thought she said her closest family lives in another country, why would she lie? 

I made eye contact with Ali. She gave me a look, signaling that she doesn't believe me. 

"I'm fine, I swear!" 

She sighed, turning her attention to Cora. I did the same. Gently, I grabbed her limp hand and started playing with it. I gave her hand a squeeze, not expecting to feel anything in return. To my surprise, I felt her squeeze back.

"Ash! Ali! She squeezed my hand! Quick! Get a doctor!" I shouted. Ash immediately jumped out of her seat and pressed the button that calls for a doctor. 

"Hey Cory. It's me, Kelley. I'm right here, you're doing great." I reassured her as she started to stir.  Once a doctor came in the room, she started gagging on the oxygen tube that was placed in her throat. 

"Hello Cora. I'm Doctor Simmons, and I'll quickly get this out.." he trailed off as he gently took the oxygen tube out of her.

Once Cora fully opened her eyes, I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding out. Relief washed over me, all my worrying gone. 

She was okay. 

Cora's eyes darted around the room. I stayed by her side the whole time, never letting go of her hand. 

"Hey Cory. You're okay. You're in the hospital, we got into a bad accident, remember? I'm so sorry baby girl." I cried. She looked confused. This made me worry more. Did she hit her head? Does she remember me? 

Just as I was about to say something, I was pushed away by a nurse before I got the chance. I landed next to Ali, who had tears brimming her eyes. 

"I'm gonna call Jessi and Tobin." She whispered, and left the room. I nodded, now noticing all the doctors who came in the room. 

They were surrounding Cora. I couldn't even see her through the amount of people crowding her.

My eyes never left the bed Cora laid in. Not until Jessi's family came in the room. Almost all of our teammates went back to the hotel, Jill's orders. She let me stay, Ali refused to leave. I was a little surprised by this, only because I've never even seen them talk before. 

Kieran was coming in and out, but you could tell this was hard for him. Because of that, Tobin wouldn't let him see her too often, just to avoid a mental breakdown from happening. 

The doctors and nurses were still all by Cora's side. Jessi and her family rushed in, on their way over anyways. Though they were surprised to see all the workers by Cora.

Jessi was able to squeeze by the doctors, just to get pushed away.

"Where am I?" I heard come from Cora's bed. "And where's Kelley?" Oh phew. She didn't lose her memory in the accident.

At this point I had had enough. These doctors were just standing around her, doing nothing. I shouted to Cora, "I'm here Cory! Just give me a sec."

I pushed my way through the doctors. One tried to push me back away, but I wasn't having it.

"You're not operation on her, let me see her! God, she could be freaking out and having 7 doctors surrounding her probably aren't helping!" I snapped, making some of the workers back up.

I was finally able to get a full view of Cory. She seemed confused, worried, and scared.

"Hey baby." I whispered as I hugged her.

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