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A/n: the ending is super rushed, I was exhausted and I just wanted to update for y'all 😭😭 IM SORRY


"I love you."  Were the words that came out of Kelley's mouth. At first I didn't believe it, part of me didn't think it was true. The other part of me wanted to say it back, but I couldn't. I really did love her, but it was too soon. I didn't want to trust someone too early on, I've learned from many mistakes. 

Kelley didn't say anything after that, I don't think she was expecting herself to say it either. She continued holding me. I was getting really uncomfortable in the house, since it was the place where I got beaten and tortured on a daily basis. Kelley seemed to notice me tense up, so she suggested that we leave. 

We got up and went outside to the car, where everyone was waiting for us. 

"Jeez guys what took you so-" Mal got cut off by Rose covering her mouth with her hand. Emily was in shotgun, so I had to sit in the back with Rose and Mal. They saved me the middle seat.

Mal was sitting on the side I opened the door on, so I climbed over her, making no attempt to go in the opening between her and the passenger seat. I rested my head on Rose's lap, and my feet on Mal. "Ahh, this is nice." I joked, laying my hands on the back of my head, on Rose's lap. She laughed and started braiding my hair.

"Why do I get the feet?" Mal whined, when Kelley looked back and laughed at us. 

"Okay Cory you do have to sit properly though." Kelley smirked. 

I grunted and sat up, buckling myself in. I kept my hurt foot on Mal, since it wouldn't fit if I rested it normally. She looked at me with an 'are you serious' look, causing me to shrug with a smile. 

We were on the road for around 5 minutes, before we came to an intersection. The light turned green, so Kelley, who was driving, took off.

 Out of nowhere, a black SUV that was going 50 mph ran the light and crashed right into us, sending our car flying. 

The car rolled a few times, glass flying everywhere. No no no. Not this again. This would've been my 3rd major crash, my little sister dying in the first and my best friend dying in the second. Every time I've been in an accident, someone dies. I really hope it's me this time and not one of them. 

Mal held onto me as we came to an end, and all I remember was pain. 

Once it all stopped, I looked down to where the pain was, which was on my side. I looked down in horror as I saw a piece of glass stabbing my lower abdomen, causing most of the pain. Everywhere hurt. My head was aching. My ears ringing. I heard voices, but they sounded so far away. I looked over to Mal, who was out. Rose? Bleeding from her head and passed out. I couldn't see the two girls in front of me, but I assumed they were unconscious, considering they were not moving. I tried to climb out of our upside down car quickly, before I passed out myself. I crawled out of the broken window, and saw some police officers and citizens. The officer ran up to me. He said something but I couldn't hear. I coughed, and no surprise, it was blood. I couldn't stand to my feet. The officer tried to help me up, but I was in so much pain that I collapsed in his arms. Everything went black as I prayed this would all be over soon.



Alex, Kieran and I had a great time at the park. Kieran doesn't play soccer, so we showed him some skills and taught him the basics. 

We got some ice cream after playing for a while, laughing at everything. Kieran is really funny, I could tell Alex really liked him. Cora and Kieran have really similar personalities, so hopefully she would like Cora too. 

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