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The poor girl's body was covered in bruises. She had several different cuts, some small, some reaching across her whole back. She had scars everywhere. Belt markings everywhere. There were little areas where you could actually see her skin, that's how bad it was. Fuck these 'parents' of hers. How could you do this to your little girl?

I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. This was all too much. "..Can we get Tobin?" I asked, not wanting to do anything without her consent. She hesitantly nodded. 

"Tobin!" I shouted. "Get in here!" 

I unlocked the door right before she barged in. "Are you guys okay?" She asked, scanning the small bathroom, until she saw Cora, sitting on the counter, in a sports bra.

"Oh.. My.. God.." Tobin said, unable to say anything else. 


Cora should've been back over an hour ago. I'm so fucking worried.

I was originally gonna stay in my room all day, but now, not at all. 

I decided I had to go ask my parents if they saw her come back. Risky, but it's for the sake of my sister.

I knocked on the door to my parents bedroom.

"What!?" My dad shouted from the other side of the door. 

"I was just wondering if you've heard anything from Cora? She should've been back over an hour ago and I'm really worr-" 

"No! Fuck off!" This time, my mom shouted. 

Well, at least they didn't beat me.


I've called everywhere. Her friends' houses, the school, the stadium, I even tried calling every hospital nearby to see if she was a patient. I found nothing.

'Maybe she's with Tobin. She better be with Tobin. I don't want her to go missing and the cops find her body in 25 years.' I thought to myself.

No matter where she was though, I was still worried sick. 


Seeing Cora's body made me want to throw up. She's only 13, I don't even want to imagine the things they've done to her.

I didn't know what to do. I know Kelley didn't know either, because then she wouldn't have called me. 

Kels was looking at me right in the eye. I know she was in pain, she knew this child for 2 days, yet she felt as if she needed to protect her 24/7. 

"Help me clean her wounds please." She asked with a soft voice, trying her hardest not to break in front of the kid. 

I nodded while grabbing a washcloth and soaking it with warm water for the dried blood. I started with her shoulders, being very careful but still having to scrub the blood off. I got to this one scar on her stomach that was terrible. It looked deep, and I know for a fact it was not treated correctly. 

I began gently rubbing it, not without Cora flinching first. I grabbed her hand, and continued to scrub the scar. 

Once all the dried blood was off, Kelley used some gauze for the newer cuts. 

While she was doing that, I tried to start a conversation with the girl, to hopefully ease her nerves. She looked severely anxious at the moment, so hopefully my words could calm her.

"How're you holding up?" I asked softly, not wanting to frighten her.

"Fine. My ankle really hurts though." 

You're too good (USWNT)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora