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(We're pretending that Tobin plays for Portland and Kelley plays for spirit)


So, it's been two days. Cora is going to finally be released in an hour, and I just finished talking with Tobin.

We talked about what we felt towards the twins, and realized we both wanted to adopt them. That is, if Jessi and Tanner didn't first.

We came up with this whole plan, that we would spend Christmas, thanksgiving, and the twins birthdays together, to keep them close but still be able to play for our respected clubs. We would  also switch them over for summer break, say Kieran comes over for two weeks, then they both go to Portland for the next two weeks. It could carry on like that for the whole summer, so we both equally get to see the two.

Now we just need to convince Jessi and Tanner that we would be good parents for them, go to court for the twins parents, and fill out the adoption papers (if we get that far).

Tobin and I are walking back to Cora's room, after waiting outside while we talked.

Jessi, her husband, and three kids are all there, probably waiting for Cora. The twins were playing with the babies, Maisey laughing at something Madden did.

When Jessi saw me and Tobs walk in, she pulled us out again, her husband following her.

"Sorry. I just really need to talk to you guys about something." She apologized.

"That's okay. We do to anyways." Tobin smiled.

Jessi nodded.

Her husband spoke up first. "We know this is a really big thing to talk about.."

"But we can't take in the twins. We're just not fit, we don't have enough money, and we already have three children of our own. We all know how awesome Cora and Kieran are, but we just can't. Five kids is way too expensive, way too much work, and with Cora's soccer.. I just don't know how we'd make it work." Jessi finished for her husband.

I looked at Tobin, shocked. We both smiled to each other.

"Are you guys okay..?" Tanner asked, noticing our smiles.

"No! Yes! We- we wanted to ask you if we could adopt them." I announced with a cheeky grin.

The husband and wife looked relieved.

"Of course you can! I was so worried they were going to go to foster care and get split up, and with the death of their sister I just know they couldn't lose each other." Jessi let out a deep breath.

Wait.. death of their sister?

I didn't know they had a sister.

I looked to Tobin, confused, where she was still smiling. Maybe she didn't hear properly or Kieran already told her.

I decided I would just ask Cora about it later.

"Thank you so much! Now all we have to do is ask them." Toby smiled.

Tanner nodded and Jessi smiled. This was going great! 

We made a plan, Jessi and Tanner would take their kids out of the room where Tobin and I would break the news to our hopefully new kids.

All four of us walked back into the room, where three older kids looked very confused. The two babies on the other hand continued doing what they were doing.

"Hey Mais, get your brothers. I need to talk to you guys about something." Tanner announced.

Maisey grabbed her siblings and followed her parents out of the room.

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