"More Than Good"

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Author's Note: Well it's four months later in this chapter. In bold italic letters are the names of certain characters in this chapter. So please pay attention.... Let's go!


Halle's P.O.V.

Well....it was spring time! The month of May as a matter of fact. This meant that it was time for the Pinkett family picnic. Which is my mom's side of the family. Momma wanted to skip it. Why? Well, because she hadn't exactly told my grandma and grandpa about her no longer being Muslim. And she definitely didn't tell them that the rest of our family pretty much decided to follow her lead. Yes, even my dad...

My father ended up becoming friends with a coworker of his who was a former Muslim. After the man told him several good reasons why he chose to disconnect from the religion, it resonated with my father. So, he decided to leave the Muslim faith as well. Like Normani and her family, we have simply decided to be spiritual instead of religious. But as I stated before, my mother's parents knew nothing about our decision.

Also, they knew nothing about their precious granddaughters having girlfriends. Which is why they both asked my mom if Halle and I were dating any young men yet when she talked to them on the phone last. My mom simply told them that we only had "friends". But she just wasn't brave enough to tell them that not only did we have girlfriends, but she and my dad both approved of it. This is why I knew this family picnic was going to be tense! Especially since my mom allowed our "friends" to come with us to our family reunion. It was at a park and my great- aunt Angela (Angela Bassett) told everyone that we could bring friends and/ or significant others if we liked. Since it was a public place and their would be plenty of food for everyone.

F.Y.I.....Aunt Angela is my mom's favorite aunt. Auntie was only nine years old when my mother was born so they were actually more like sisters. With that being said, momma confided in her about everything. She told her about us no longer being Muslim and also about Chlöe and I having girlfriends. Aunt Angela was supportive. She knew what it was like to be judged by her goody two shoes, religious sister, which is my grandmother of course. When Aunt Angela was young and dropped out of college, grandma judged her for that. When Aunt Angela got pregnant twice before getting married, my grandma judged her for that, when Aunt Angela decided to become a Hindu instead of a Muslim, grandma judged her for that. "Nothing I do is ever right in my perfect big sister's eyes", Aunt Angela often sarcastically stated.

Nonetheless, she told my momma to do what she does. Which is ignore my grandma and continue to live her best life! I loved my grandma and she claimed to love me and Chlöe. But I couldn't help but to wonder if she would still love us if she knew we were in relationships with females...

"A homophobic person's love is conditional!", my girlfriend, Megan, stated as she watched me get dressed for the family picnic.

"That's terrible! Like, how can people just stop loving their own flesh and blood simply because they're gay?! Make it make sense, babe!", I exclaimed.

"I wish I could, but it will never make sense to me. I'll bet you any amount of money that if your mother would have decided to stay with Mani's momma back in the day, your grandmother would have disowned her. They probably wouldn't even be talking to this day", Megan said.

"Damn....that just shows that homphobia and religion both are some powerful drugs", I stated.

"Yup! Powerful enough to make you turn your back on your own child. Ain't that some bullshit?"

"It is for real, babe. But anyway, please don't be offended if I don't introduce you as my girlfriend to my grandparents", I begged.

"Hottie...don't worry. I already know what it is. I know who I am to you and that you love me. So I'm not pressed about what you introduce me to your grandparents as. I know what's it's like to deal with homophobic family members", Megan said.

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