"Kiss Me More"

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Halle's P.O.V.

It seemed like it was taking Chlöe and my parents forever to LEAVE! I feel like my parents specifically were trying to slow poke around so they could meet Megan. Meg doesn't really do well with parents. They make her nervous. That's why I wanted momma and daddy to get the hell out! But they were taking their sweet time. Even though Chlöe was rushing them.

"Momma, daddy, we need to leave out now!", Chlöe whined.

"We have plenty of time, baby girl. Oh...I think Halle's friend just pulled up", my dad said with a smile...

"Daddy, please don't intimidate her", I begged.

"Since when am I intimidating?! I just want to welcome your friend into our home like the true gentleman I was raised to be", my dad said while giving me puppy dog eyes. Apparently, I got my "adorableness" from him!

Megan rang the doorbell and I tried not to show my excitement. But I smiled like a kid in a toy store as soon as I saw her.

"Hi, Megan...", I said bashfully.

"Hey hot....Halle!", she said.

She was about to call me "hottie" as  usual. But she decided not to when she saw my parents standing there looking at her.

"Megan, these are my parents. Parents, this is Megan."

"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Bailey", Megan said politely.

"Hi, Megan! I heard you were curious about the Muslim faith. I like to see young people who are interested in having a relationship with Allah. Very good, young lady", my father said to Megan as he smiled proudly at her.

Megan returned the smile. "Well, I'm willing to learn anything Halle wants to teach me."

And I was willing to learn whatever she wanted to teach me, too! I was actually quite anxious to be her student if you know what I mean...

"Megan, make yourself at home. I made turkey cheeseburgers and fries for you girls. Halle, make sure you offer her something to snack on, too", my mother said.

"Oh, I definitely got something she can snack on!", I thought to myself.

"Y'all have fun!", Chlöe said to Megan and I.

"You, too! Lauren's mom can throw down in the kitchen! She made some good food for us when we had a sleepover there one time", Megan said.

"Well, we'll have to have you over for dinner one night, Megan. Because my wife can throw down, too!", my dad said proudly.

Chlöe rushed our parents out of the door FINALLY! I love them, but I couldn't wait to be alone with Megan. It's all I thought about and even dreamed about the night before. Being in her presence was a delight. She had me in a trance and I wasn't trying to come out of it at all!

"I thought they would never leave!", I exclaimed.

Megan laughed. "I could tell, hottie! But they seem cool. Especially your dad. I thought he would be kind of mean, actually."

"Not at all. My dad is strict and overprotective for sure. But he's a gentle teddy bear, too. Just don't mess with his wife or kids. That's when he turns into a monster", I explained.

"I can respect that. I wish I had good parents. Mine are toxic as hell! They're not even married. They've been shacking up since my grown ass brother was a baby, they're alcoholics, but still got the nerve to judge me for being gay. That's why I'm not living with them now", Megan stated.

"I'm sorry, Meg....I just hope my parents don't turn on me and Chlöe if they ever find out that we like girls. Well, I just like one girl anyway", I said.

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