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Author's P.O.V.: Welcome back! Let's start this chapter off with a P.O.V. from Normani, shall we?!


Normani's P.O.V.

"So what does your husband do, Dr. Hamilton?", Mr. Bailey asked.

"Husband...?", my mother asked while giving me a confused look.

I went into panic mode! I didn't expect Mr. Bailey to ask a question like that. I thought he would just ask my mother simple questions like what does she do for a living, what type of neighborhood do we live in , what time the party starts and ends...Stuff like that. I didn't want to tell my mom about how Mrs. Bailey felt about homosexuality. Because first of all...My mother is just like our homegirl Megan. They both can be  sweet as pie. But if you tick them off, all I can say is you better run! I didn't want my mother to put Chlöe's mom in the hospital or worse...an early grave!

All I could do is look at my baby Chlöe. We both had fear in our eyes. Halle did as well. How the hell were we going to get out of this one?! I just wanted to grab Chlöe, run to Lauren's house, grab her too and then flee the country with the two loves of my life! We could just start all over in Dubai or something!

"Um, excuse my husband. He's just really curious about people", Mrs. Bailey said to my mom.

Ok....hold up...was I confused, or did Mrs. Bailey just lowkey attempt to save my ass?! But why the hell would she do that?! And here's an even better question, why was she so awkward with my mother..? Maybe I  was just imagining things though. Maybe she just didn't want my mother to think her husband was a nosey creep!

"Oh my bad! I was just making conversation. I'm an extrovert so I'm always running my mouth", Mr. Bailey said.

"Oh don't worry about it! I've been up since five a.m. so please forgive me if I seem a little off. But to answer your question, my honey is a stock broker", my mom replied.

Ok, things had got even weirder! Why was my momma going along with letting Mr. Bailey think she had a husband. I thought she would realize that myself, Chlöe and Halle came up with a plan to trick their parents into thinking my mom was heterosexual. Well, technically it was Meg's idea. But we went along with it! And that was the reason I figured I wasn't going to live to see my eighteenth birthday...

"A doctor and a stock broker?! Y'all got BANK!", Mr. Bailey exclaimed.

"Willard....", his wife said in an embarrassed manner.

My mother laughed. "We actually hear that a lot so it's ok, Jada", my mother said to Mrs. Bailey.

"Um...Tasha, would you and Normani like anything to eat or drink?", Mrs. Bailey asked in a shy tone of voice.

But why was she acting shy if she already knew my mother. Halle was definitely her child because she still acts shy with Meg and they're in a whole damn relationship!

"No thank you, beautiful. I just fed the teenager about an hour ago and my honey and I are having a dinner date later tonight. Normani probably wants something sweet though, don't you?", my mom asked me.

I looked at Chlöe and smirked. "I sure do", I replied. Causing her to try to hold her giggle in.

She knew what I was implying. She was the sweet thing I wanted for dessert! But I settled for the homemade brownies her mother offered me instead.

"Are you sure you don't want anything to eat, Tasha?", Mrs. Bailey asked my mother.

"Well...I don't want to cheat...on my diet", momma replied with a smirk that resembled the one I gave Chlöe.

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