"Never Been Kissed"

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Author's Note: Sorry that this chapter is shorter. I'm at work...😩 Wanted to update though. Enjoy.


Halle's P.O.V.

While I was having lunch with Megan at Taco Bell, Darryl texted me out of nowhere. As if he could just sense the competition in the air...I hadn't given him much thought anymore. He certainly wasn't on my mind while I was in Megan's presence.

Darryl: "Yo! How's the new school??"

Halle: "Good"

Yes, I responded dryly just like that! Because why was he acting like he didn't start moving funny when I switched schools? I didn't have much to say to him. And honestly, I wasn't really interested in him anymore. He's cute, but he wasn't really a vibe. Not like...Megan...Megan was a total vibe. I know I was taught that being with someone of the same gender is wrong. But I really, really liked Meg. I kept trying not to like her in that way and just see her as a friend. She was making it impossible for me to do that though...

Darryl: "Cool...I miss seeing you in the classes we had together."

Halle: "Thanks"

Darryl: "Anyway, wanna come over my house Saturday? Nobody will be here but us. 😊"

The audacity of this asshole! I don't usually cuss, but he pissed me off real bad! First of all, my father would have a fit if he knew I went over some boy's house. Daddy would be like, "How come he can't come see you?!" Which is a good damn question! And if he knew I was at a boy's house without his parents being present, he would put me on punishment for life and kill the boy!

"For real, hottie? Not you texting somebody while you out with me", Megan said.

"I'm so sorry! Trust me this person is not worth my time", I said.

"Is it that dude from your old school?", she asked.

"Yeah...he wants me to go over his house this Saturday but there's literally no chance in hell of me doing that", I replied.

"Oh he got you real fucked up!" Meg exclaimed.

"Very! But still...I'm here with you. So I'm ignoring his text and enjoying my lunch with you", I said to Megan with a smile.

"Speaking of Saturday...You should come over my house", Megan suggested.

"Actually...my sister and my parents are supposed to go to Lauren's house to have dinner with her and her parents. So, I was thinking you should probably come over my house while they're all gone", I said.

"What if we get caught?", Megan asked.

"Caught...? Doing what?", I asked with a confused expression on my face.

Megan chuckled. "Nothing in particular, hottie. But you know...your parents seem strict. What if they come back and see you had company without their permission?", she asked.

"Well...I'll tell them my new friend that's curious about our religion is coming over', I said.

"Actually, that wouldn't be a lie. I am curious about your religion. I'm curious about everything that's important to you. I want to know everything about you, Halle", she said.

Nobody, besides my parents and  sister, had ever shown interest in the things that I care about. Megan was special and unique. She intrigued me in so many ways. I was just as curious about her as she was about me...

"I still want you to come over my house one day. My brother is barely home. Sometimes I like being by myself. But most of the time I don't", she said.

"I'll try to come over, Meg...I promise...I don't want you to ever be lonely", I said as I touched her hand.

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