"Will You Be Our Girl?"

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Chlöe's P.O.V.

My parents didn't fail me....They said nothing homophobic while we had dinner with Lauren and her parents....Thank Allah!!! Because I would've died if they would've embarrassed me in front of Lauren in any type of way.

Speaking of Lauren, after dinner was had she asked if we could be excused. Her parents didn't mind. Especially our fathers because they wanted to shoot pool together for a little while. We left our mothers alone to have girl talk and Lauren led me outside....

"Check it out....This is my garage apartment", Lauren said.

"Girl....I would love to have my own garage apartment! My parents would never let me though", I stated.

Lauren chuckled. "My little sister and I were sharing a room. My parents got tired of me complaining about her invading my privacy. So, last year, they gave me this as a sweet sixteen birthday present. I love it out here."

"I bet you do. It's beautiful, Lauren", I said.

"Not as beautiful you, baby....Look, I know you're not supposed to spend the night with Mani and I until next weekend. But...I was wondering if you would like to stay over tonight. I can invite Normani over and we can all get better acquainted. You down?", she asked.

"Um...I can ask my parents and see what they say", I replied.

To my surprise, my parents had no issue with me staying the night. I didn't know what to expect. I was about to be alone in a garage apartment with two girls that I was heavily attracted to. As she said, I knew that I would be alone with them the next weekend. And I was going to prepare myself all week for that moment. But this spare of the moment invite had me unprepared and nervous as hell!

First of all, I hadn't even kissed anyone before! And I surely wasn't sexually active! I spent most of my time being a nerd. All I did was read books...Especially the Qur'an. I was a good girl. The type of girl a Muslim boy specifically would get major brownie points for bringing home to his parents. Who wouldn't want their son to be with a girl who's an honor roll student, devoutly religious, and sexually pure? But curiosity mixed with lust was making this good girl want to act real bad...And my sexual purity was under major attack!

"Chlöe, why are you so quiet?", Lauren asked.

"Oh...no reason! I...um...was just thinking about some stuff. That's all", I replied.

"Mind sharing your thoughts with me?", she asked.

"Well....I was wondering what me, you and Normani were going to do tonight. That's all", I shared.

Lauren chuckled. "Are you afraid we might try to seduce you, Chlöe?", she asked...in the sexiest tone of voice I'd ever heard! She was weakening my soul!

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm not afraid....I guess I'm just wondering what we'll do. Since we'll be out here all alone. Just the three of us, I mean", I answered.

"You're curious....That's to be expected", Lauren said.

She and I chatted more until Normani arrived. She looked HOT! She greeted Lauren with a passionate kiss...That also was HOT! I was convinced they were trying to make my heart explode!

"There's our girl....I'm glad you're spending the night with us, angel", Normani said. Then, she kissed my cheek softly....And my vagina started twitching really bad!

"So Mani Bear, Chlöe's curious about what we're going to do tonight", Lauren informed her.

"Really....? Well, the first thing we need to do is figure out a way to get you to say yes to being our girlfriend", Normani said as she gently caressed my face. 

"I....I was thinking about that", I stuttered.

"We really want to be in a relationship with you. Why are you making us wait, baby?", Lauren asked as she planted a kiss on my neck. Causing my body to shiver.

I shook my head..."I don't mean to make y'all wait...I've never done any like this before", was my honest response.

Then...Normani turned my face towards her and kissed my lips...My soul was shook!

"We'll teach you how to do this...You don't have to be nervous...Let us do the driving and you just enjoy the ride..", Normani said as she took my dress off me.

She and Lauren rubbed each of my breasts after Lauren took my bra off. Then it happened...

"Ohhh...", was all that could escape my lips as the pleasure of their tongues on my nipples took me by surprise.

"That feels good, right?", Lauren pressed her soft lips against my ear and asked.

"Yes...so good", I replied in an airy voice.

"Lean back...relax....we got you", Normani said.

The ladies undressed...I admired the beauty of their skin. It was like being presented with chocolate and vanilla for dessert. And I definitely had a sweet tooth that night....

The passion increased...I moaned as I felt the warmth of their hands on my breasts, stomach and thighs while they planted kisses on my lips and neck.

"Open your legs for us, baby", Lauren said. I submitted...

I moaned and panted heavily as Lauren placed her head between my legs and flicked her tongue on my clit. She licked and sucked on it aggressively. Causing me to become wetter. My nipples hardened as Normani continued to pleasure them with the warmth and wetness of her mouth. It was almost too much for me to bear. But I loved every minute of it.

They switched places because Normani said she wanted a taste of me. She was so savage yet sensual with her tongue. Then, they took turns grinding on me until....

"Ahhhh...FUCK!", I exclaimed.

I'd never said that word before! Neither had I had such a massive orgasm! It took me out!

"How was your first time, baby?", Lauren asked.

Now why would she ask me a question when I could hardly breathe let alone speak!

"Good...so good", was all I could say.

"So....will you be our girl now?", Normani asked.


"So not only did you have sex but you're in a relationship with them now?!", Halle asked in shock.

"Shhh! Girl, don't let momma and daddy hear you", I said.

As soon as I got home the next day I had to tell Halle what happened. But the answer to her question was yes!

"Wow....how do you feel? More liberated?", she asked.

"A little bit...but not fully. Only because my girlfriends are out of the closet, but I'm not. I still have to hide my true self from our parents. I wish I didn't have to though, Halle", I replied.

"I guess that's part of the reason why I've been moving slow with Meg. Chlöe, I really, REALLY want her! But I would hate to have to hide her. How would that make her feel? I don't know what to do", Halle said sadly.

"If you want to be with her, then be with her. She knows your situation. Our parents can never found out about us being with girls. Allah may still love us no matter what. But who knows if our parents will..."

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