"New Friends"

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Halle's P.O.V.

Imagine being super mad about having to attend an all girls school then ending up absolutely loving it!That was definitely me on our first day at Atlanta Girls' High School. And it was all because of the friend I made by the name of Megan Pete....

I would've never expected a girl like Megan to want to be friends with me. She was popular, hilarious, and extremely pretty with a flawless body. But what got me is the way she kept calling me "hottie". Me...the little Muslim girl who was literally covered from head to toe. What about me was even hot to her?! I didn't have a clue. But what I did know was that it made me feel good inside. I smiled so hard each time she said it that it made my cheeks hurt. Nobody had ever called me "hot" before. I've been called "cutie pie" by my dad, "beautiful" by my mom, and "adorable" by my sister. Darryl, the guy I was secretly talking to said I was pretty, but needed to change my wardrobe...

"I wish I could see you in some tight jeans or some shorts. With a nice crop top. And without your hair covered!", he once told me.

However, Megan never said anything like that. She called me a "hottie" with my body and hair covered up. I can't put into words how good that made me feel. It actually gave me a lot of confidence. It taught me that exposing my body or dressing in tight clothing wasn't necessary to be sexy or attractive. Megan made me feel sexy and attractive in what I was already wearing. Wait....did I really say that a girl made me feel sexy and attractive?!

That's not right....at least that's what I've been taught my entire life! "Allah hates homosexuality. It makes him sick!" That's what my father taught my sister and I. My mother was in agreement. So I told myself that I better stop blushing and smiling so hard about Megan complimenting me. It wasn't proper behavior for a Muslim girl...

"You good?", Megan asked as we walked into the school cafeteria together.

"Oh, yeah! I was just wondering if my sister had made any friends today", I replied.

"Well, it looks like she did...", Megan said as she pointed at my sister and a tall, light skinned girl. They had just entered the cafeteria together.

"Beyoncé! Over here, girl!", Megan shouted.

"You know her?", I asked.

Megan chuckled. "Been knowing her for sixteen years, boo! That's my cousin."

Myself, Chlöe, Megan and Beyoncé chatted as we stood in line for our lunch. Then, Beyoncé and Megan walked Chlöe and I over to a table where two other girls were sitting. They both were beautiful. One had pretty, chocolate brown skin. While the other had smooth, white skin and the prettiest green eyes I'd ever seen. But what stood out to me the most was that she had her head covered with a hijab just like Chlöe and I....she was a Muslim!

"Hey Normani and Lauren! This is Chlöe and Halle. It's their first day here", Beyoncé said to the two young ladies.

"That's what's up! Y'all like it here so far?", Normani asked with a pleasant smile. Especially towards Chlöe....

"Yeah...I love it here! It's actually way better than our old school", Chlöe replied.

"It's a thousand times better than our old school! I'm actually glad our dad made us come here now", I said.

"Well I'm glad to have some Muslim sisters here with me. As-salaam Alaikum, babies", Lauren greeted us. Which means "peace be unto you". This is how Muslims usually greet each other during our worship services at the Mosque.

"Wa-alaikum Salaam", Chlöe and I greeted her back. Which means, "And peace be unto you".

Then Lauren turned to Normani and said, "Babe, you can have the pepperoni off my pizza."

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