30 | ❝Reader❞ - Wonwoo

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✎ xxx. reader

At this point, Wonwoo reading to you before bed had become a basic routine

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At this point, Wonwoo reading to you before bed had become a basic routine. You were both bookworms and had interest in the same genre and authors, so it was only natural to turn the activity into more time spent together.

You had been abnormally busy the last couple weeks, coming home late enough that Wonwoo was often asleep by the time you crawled into bed. You had been subconsciously missing the nightly chapter he would read to you, though you hadn't realized it yet.

Today had been a particularly exhausting day, work being extra stressful and the day seemed to have lasted longer than normal. You were just so tired by the time you walked through the front door, in desperate need of some relaxation and comfort.

Though it was late, you found Wonwoo still awake, tucked under the covers, bedside lamp on to a low setting that provided just enough light to read the words off the page, but not too much to be blinding given how dark it was outside.

You took a minute to admire the sight. Wonwoo's round glasses rested on the bridge of his nose, fingers already moving to prepare the next page flip though he was only halfway done with the first page of text.

He looked so content sitting there reading, and the sight alone made you feel a bit better at how crappy your day had been. He didn't seem to notice your presence in the doorway, too invested in the story to look up. You thought it was adorable.

You decided you would join him for some cuddles as soon as you were properly prepared to fall asleep. You quickly grabbed your pyjamas and made your way to the bathroom to change, brush your teeth, do the necessary skincare, etc.

When you emerged from the bathroom, Wonwoo finally looked up from his page, lips curling into a soft smile at the sight of you in your pyjamas, face looking so so tired but still stunningly pretty.

He motioned for you to come join him, opening up the blanket for you to snuggle under, resting your head on his chest, feeling the steady beating of his heart through the thin material of his sleep shirt.

"How was your day, my sweetheart?" He whispered, voice seeming to rumble through his chest where your cheek was pressed, deep and comforting.

"Shitty." You mumbled back, making him chuckle.

"Want me to read?" He offered, knowing just as well as you how much you loved it. You nodded against his chest, prompting him to start from the beginning.

His voice was soothing, reciting the words off the page, transporting you to another world that was fantastical and filled with life. You closed your eyes, letting your other senses be filled with just Wonwoo. Your hands gently wrapped around his stomach, feeling just how warm he was compared to your body that was still rather chilly. His familiar scent and soothing voice filled your other senses, relaxing you completely.

Wonwoo paused when he heard your soft snores, a smile creeping up on his face naturally. He placed the book on his bedside table along with his glasses, quietly switching the lamp off and closing his eyes, joining you in your blissful dreamland.

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