15 | ❝Best Dad in the World❞ - Mingyu

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✎ xv. best dad in the world

a/n. this is part 2 to a series of mingyu as a dad!! there will be more parts coming asap

The twins were born sooner than expected by c-section, but it all went well and both you and the twins were safe

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The twins were born sooner than expected by c-section, but it all went well and both you and the twins were safe. Mingyu waited by your hospital bed, on the verge of crying for the third time since you had gone into labour. The nurses were doing some quick checkups on the newborns before bringing them back to you, but they soon rolled them into the hospital room.

You had decided that the girl would be named Micha, and the boy Mijun. The nurses carefully gave you Mijun and Mingyu took Micha into his own arms. One look at his newborn daughter and the tears started rolling down his cheek again.

"What am I gonna do with 3 babies in the room?" You laughed, wiping the tears off his cheek. He leaned into your touch, pout never leaving his face as he stared at the twins.

"They're so small..." He whispered, holding up his hand to Micha's body, his entire hand being able to cover her. He handed Micha over to you and moved his chair a bit closer to your bed. After his initial tears, his dad mode completely took over and his only focus was capturing the moment on his phone.

You noted that his emotional mood must've improved given his goofy grin as he snapped pic after pic of you and his precious babies. Soon, Minghao came to stop by with Dowon who he was babysitting (as the favourite uncle, he took on the role without complaining).

Dowon came running over to his father, and Mingyu picked him up, letting him sit on his leg and look at the twins. You smiled at your son and your husband, noticing more and more everyday how Dowon took after Mingyu's features. He was definitely going to steal some hearts when he was older.

"Baby?" Dowon asked cutely, peering to look at the newborns. He reached out his hand and gently brushed it against Micha's cheek, earning a chorus of aw's from all the adults in the room.

"He was very excited to come visit. He didn't even want to get ice cream before." Minghao told Mingyu with a laugh.

Mingyu raised his eyebrow, "Really? Dowon, do you like your siblings?" Dowon nodded, big doe eyes gazing up at his father this time.

"This one is Mijun, and this one is Micha." Mingyu instructed, both to Dowon (who was still peering curiously at his new siblings), and Minghao (who had taken over the role of photographer and was capturing the cute moment with Mingyu in the frame as well).

"Mijun." Dowon said softly, testing out the name in awe and placing his hand on the baby blanket that his brother was wrapped in.

"Aww, well done!" You told your son, ruffling his hair slightly.

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