5 | ❝Affection❞ - The8

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✎ v. affection

As you stepped into the ballroom, you were expecting that you would become the object of everyone's glaring eyes

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As you stepped into the ballroom, you were expecting that you would become the object of everyone's glaring eyes. Minghao had told you that you would suddenly become the centre of attention, but you hadn't expected it to be this obvious.

As soon as you came into view, everyone's eyes turned to you, like an instantaneous reaction. They looked you up and down with judging eyes, and you felt as if they were trying their best to find something wrong with you.

It made you feel insecure, even though the maid had promised you that you looked more stunning than any other lady she had seen. Surely there was something they would find to criticise about how you were presented.

You picked up on muttered remarks praising your dress, hair, face, figure, accessories - anything that could possibly be examined was, and in detail under the strong gaze of the higher-ups. Hearing the positive remarks that were whispered from one person to another was a small confidence boost, but as soon as you heard one negative remark, that was completely shattered.

You tried to move through the crowd, hoping to find Minghao as quickly as possible, but people weren't letting you through. You attempted to push past the many people blocking your way to the centre of the ballroom, but they were too focused on gaping at you like you were some animal to clear a path.

A pathway to the centre of the ballroom finally cleared, the many attendees standing on either side of it, still trying to look at you. You looked along the cleared path, seeing none other than Minghao on the other side of it walking towards you.

You tried to calm yourself, convincing your brain that once you were beside Minghao, things would become less overwhelming. And you were right.

Minghao came up beside you, giving the other people who had been crowding you disappointed looks, and you could find hints of anger in them as well.

He took your hand gently, contrasting his scary expressions just moments before. His eyes still held some of that frustration, but they turned soft once you made eye contact with him. It was like you melted all the anger away, turning him into the gentle lover you knew him to be.

He walked a bit closer to you, bodies almost touching each other, just so he could tell you something without other people being able to eavesdrop.

"Don't be nervous, you look ethereal." He smiled slightly, and you froze up from the way his breath was hitting your ear slightly. He was so close to you, that you could practically feel the scandalised expressions of party-goers at such a sight.

Their own prince coming so close to a lady, and whispering god-knows-what in her ear. They had heard that Minghao had a lady who he wanted to marry, and they knew it was you. But they certainly didn't expect such a scene to unfold right before their eyes.

You nodded, "I'll be okay."

He looked at you fondly, stepping back from you a bit and leading you to the centre of the room. Smiling handsomely, he placed a hand on your waist and you subsequently placed a hand on his shoulder. He nodded at the orchestra, and once the music started out in a soft waltz, he started leading you in a dance.

You tried your best to not feel anxious from this. You pictured an empty room with just Minghao, imagining that there weren't hundreds of people watching you two dance like it was a revolutionary thing. You maintained eye contact with Minghao, his face distracting you easily.

And by just focusing on him, you found the night to be a little pleasanter. You had to entertain dozens of questions from the attendees; questions about your background, interest, relationship with the prince, etc. It became exhausting very quickly, but once Minghao thought that you had answered more than enough questions, he swept you away to the balcony.

It was obscured from the party as much as possible. People could still see out if they knew where to look, but it was as private as Minghao could get without taking you up to his room.

The sky was a dark blue, stars twinkling softly and misty clouds decorating it. The moon shone down on the balcony where you two were, reflecting off of your blue dress prettily. You were at least somewhat safe from the judging eyes of the party attendees here.

"I thought I might shatter like glass from how intense those stares were. How do you deal with that everyday?" You asked, looking out at the sky and breathing in the cold night air.

"I got used to it." He smiled, "It's not fair that we have to be the centre of attention all the time, but it comes with it, I guess."

"I hope I gave off a good impression."

He turned to you, "You did." He smiled proudly, "I was impressed by you."

"You're biased." You giggled.

"I can still tell when someone is stunning, though." He said off-handedly, leaving you flustered with pink cheeks.

He looked back at the party, evaluating how risky he could be with you without them noticing. "Fuck it, I'm gonna marry you anyway." He whispered, turning back to you. He knew someone could potentially see everything he was doing, but he didn't care.

He took a step closer to you, placing a hand on your cheek and looking into your eyes closely. "I love you." He confessed sincerely, taking your breath away with those 3 words. He slowly leaned in, pressing his soft lips to yours to complete the statement.

Your brain was a mess after the sudden romantic words and actions. Minghao had always been cautious with you - for both your safety and his. He had kissed you only once before, and that was in the complete privacy of his bedroom.

Any other show of affection had been constricted to holding hands, or him kissing the back of your hand softly. And he always kept a respectful distance from you.

This was a confidence in Minghao that you hadn't seen before - a kiss in a semi-public area, where not just the castle staff, but hundreds of people could catch you two.

Your brain told you that you should push him away, so as to not get seen. But you couldn't bring yourself to do it. He was kissing you with abundant passion and love, and you melted at his every touch. You kissed back with equal passion, making Minghao smile in the kiss.

This was how he wanted it to be with you. He didn't want to be cautious about showing his affection for you. It was almost impossible for him to sit there everyday, being distanced from you at dinners and meetings, and then being swept away with work without a minute to spare for you.

You deserved more than that, and Minghao wanted to give you more. He accepted most of the limitations that came with his position as prince, but showing his love for you wasn't something he wanted to limit.

He broke off the kiss, out of breath, but smiling widely. "Shall we go back inside?" He offered, looking over to the party once again, and sighing in relief that no one had seen you two.

You nodded, "Don't pull anything like that in there, though. It won't end as well." You laughed.

He held out his hand to you, smiling softly. You took it gently, and he walked you both back in. Luckily, no one ever found out about the kiss.

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