➜004, Savior➜

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             。.゚⁠+⁠ ⁠⟵。⁠.゚⁠+⁠ ⁠⟵。⁠.゚⁠+⁠ ⁠⟵

Evie's hand shook with blood, as it was laid in her stomach, her breathing coming out as weak and heavy, as she laid in the arms of a teared up Malia.

"Shh, shh, you'll be okay." Malia softly hushed.

Malia then looked up from her teared up eyes and saw Theo with a scarf in his hands, going towards Evie.

"No, no, i don't want him around her, no, no! This is your fault!" Malia shouts accusingly.

"Fine, let her die." Theo scoffs.

Scott desperately stares at the blonde that was gasping for air and suddenly went back to a memory.

"Malia..." Scott trailed off.

"No!" Malia screamed at the Alpha, holding onto the younger teen tighter.

"Please, look, she'll die, guys?" Theo pleads.

"Go, do it, now." Scott demands quickly.

He's not watching this girl die in front of him, all because of Malia and Theo's little argument.

Malia distrustfully stares at Theo as he wrapped the scarf around Evie's waist, temporarily stopping the blood from flowing.

Theo then lifted Evie in his arms, his hands under her waist, whilst hers was around his shoulders, her head weakly on his neck, him walking away from the group.

Malia then went to follow them, not trusting Theo with Evie, but Scott stops her.

Malia then saw the look Scott was sending her as well as Stiles.

"I-i didn't do this! I swear! Th-there was these guys...guys in a masks." Malia teared up.

Scott crossed his arms over his chest. "Masked guys?"

Malia seeing Scott not believing her, made her turn towards her boyfriend, in hopes of him believing her.

"Stiles! I didn't do this!" Malia pleaded.

Stiles then pulled his teared up girlfriend in his arms comforting her.

"It's all right, baby, i trust you." Stiles cooed in her ear.

Malia looked at him with her dark brown doe eyes, that were glistening with tears, hope in them.

"You do?" Malia sniffled.

Scott sighs, looking away from them, looking at the young blonde.

             。⁠.゚⁠+⁠ ⁠⟵。⁠.゚⁠+⁠ ⁠⟵。⁠.゚⁠+⁠ ⁠⟵

Inside the hospital room, Theo was seen softly putting a weak Evie on the bed, her breaths coming out slow and heavy, the girl grasping onto the older teen's arm, stopping him from leaving.

"Please don't let me die." Evie whispers breathlessly.

"Uh, you won't." Theo gave an awkward smile.

Evie's hand was seen sliding from Theo's arm, the older teen feeling an electric feeling crawling through his veins, him shrugging it off.

Evie then became unconscious, Theo's hands then gently moving some of her hair that fell on her face, smiling at her, but then he turned serious.

He pulled away, then went to walk away.

"No, please don't, don't leave me, Erica." Evie trembles.

Theo stops in his tracks, staring at the girl who mumbled her sister's name in her delirious state.

EVIE,  THEO RAEKENDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora