➜001, How It All Began➜

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Months aback, a saddened Derek Hale was seen walking out of the Beacon Hills National Bank with a lifeless Erica Reyes.

Scott McCall seeing the lifeless blonde in Derek's arms grew instant sympathy for the man.

Then it seemed like something flickered in his mind, as if remembering something...someone.

"Derek..." Scott quietly says.

"We need to tell Evie." Scott then says.

"Erica's little sister? You mean, the girl that absolutely no knowledge to the supernatural world? You wanna tell her?" Derek stared at him as if he was crazy.

"We can't- i can't keep this from her, she deserves to know." Scott desperately says.

"What are you going to tell her?" Derek sighed out.

Scott then hesitantly replied. "...everything."

Derek then sighed out, feeling like his stomach was churning, feel automatically sick, even for an Alpha Werewolf.

Derek shook his head in disagreement. "This is a bad idea."

"She needs to know, Derek, it's her sister." Scott sighed out.

"I have a bad feeling." Derek negatively states.

Scott just shook his head, trying to be positive as he could be.

"Come on, she's fourteen, how difficult could it be talking with her? She'll understand." Scott then smiled positively.

Scott then walked away from Derek, away from the darkened forest.

Derek had a look of disagreement on his face, him deeply exhaling.

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Scott should've listened to Derek.

Scott looked for understanding in the young blonde's blue eyes but all he got was hot burning steam of a raging fiery storm.

"Evie? Are you- are you listening to me?" Scott carefully asked the girl.

"This is your fault!" Evie accused.

"Wh-what, wait, wait, hold up, okay? Just list-." Scott was trying to saying, but the girl ignored his protests.


"Evie, would you just calm down." Scott calmly says.

Evie glared angrily at him, thinking it was all his fault, she knows that Erica has been acting extremely different and she knew that Erica has been hanging out with two guys and this guy and his friends.

She knew something off was going on with all of them, but she never bothered to look into it, it didn't matter to her.

"Don't tell me to calm down!"

Evie then stormed away from the latino, Scott trying to catch up to the angry blonde.

The McCall then quickly spun her around by her shoulders, Evie's blue eyes widening at the sight she was seeing.

Golden eyes glowing, hair on either sides of his face, fangs and claws out, him roaring in her face.

Evie then screamed at him out in fear, shoving him down onto the ground roughly, the girl running away, going down the clear roads.

EVIE,  THEO RAEKENWhere stories live. Discover now