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📍 Reiss home/ Pool
We talked and laughed in the pool t'ill it suddenly got silent and everyone was on there phone.

I watched some tiktoks with Jude until i got tired of it.

Me: Can we do something i am literally dying of boredom.
Jesse: What do you want to do.
Me: Idk
Jadon: I am going to make my self an other drink so.

He got out of the pool and walked to the kitchen.
Me: If no one wants to do something i am going with Jadon. Jadon wait for me.

I got out of the pool and walked to the kitchen.

Jadon was already mixing the drinks and i was just sitting on the kitchen counter.

Me: Soo
Jadon: mmh?
Me: What's you doing?
Jadon: What does it look like?
Me: Sorry that i want to build a conversation.

I got of the kitchen counter and was about to walk out off the kitchen when i felt jadon grabbing my arm and pulling me to him.

We were standing face to face and no one moved for a couple seconds.

T'ill i realized what was happening so i made sone couple steps back.

Me: What do you want?
Jadon: I didn't want to be rude. I just hate stupid questions.
Me: And i hate stupid people so.
Jadon: Adisa i am sorry
Me: Chill i am just joking. i need to ask you something.
Jadon: ?
Me: Does Reiss like me?
Jadon: Yes he likes you. He also likes the girls and-
Me: No not like that i mean like
like me yk?
Jadon: Oh i don't think so why?
Me: He kinda acted like it. Because when i went to get a bottle of water earlier he followed me, checked me out and didn't react when i ask if he was okey. He just looked at me and told me that my beautiful body distracted him and came closer to me.
Jadon: Damn i don't know him like that.
Me: Fr like he even ask me if jude and i are fight or something.
Jadon: I think you should talk to him and make him clear that you are taken to Jude.
Me: Okey i will thank you jadon.

I came closer to him and gave him a big hug. But this hug was a little longer then usual he didn't want to let me go. But i didn't mind because i like long hugs especially from ...

Never mind he finally let me go and we both were just being in the kitchen in silent for a whiel.

Me: Jadon could you ask Reiss to come here?
Jadon: Sure

He walked away and a couple minutes later reiss came to me and stood infront of me.

Reiss: What's up?
Me: Can we talk please
Reiss: Sure
Me: Lets go somewhere more private

So we went into a random room.

We both sat down on the bed and i took a deep breath.

Reiss: So what do you want to talk about
Me: I just wanted to tell you that i love jude and that i am in a realationship with him.
Reiss: I know that why are you telling me that?
He laughed alittel
Me: Because it seams like you like me more then a friend and i just wanted to tell you that i don't like you like that yk.
Reiss: Ik but you need to know that you are really hot and that it is hard to not look at you especially in that bikini.
Me: I don't know what to say about that. Are you even listening to me? And could you stop coming closer.
While saying that i covered my self up with my hands.
Reiss: Why? I know you like it.

He puts my hair behind my ear and leaned in for a kiss but before anything could happen i put his hand away and stood up.

Me: Bro are you deaf or something i told you that i am in a happy realationship with jude. Why are you trying to kiss me?
Reiss: Don't act like you didn't want it to
Me: Bro i didn't, i love jude and i would never do that to him.
Reiss: So if you and Jude aren't together anymore could we have something?
Me: Listen Reiss i don't think about stuff like that yk. Your cute and all but i see you just as a FRIEND.
Reiss: But i would treat you better then jude.
Me: No you wouldn't . You are trying to kiss me even tho i am in a realationship so just leave me alone and don't follow me.

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