The Devil Went Down to Georgia

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A/N) I don't know if anyone actually noticed, because people never tell me these things, but while I was posting this story from one site to another- not one but TWO chapters were never published. If you look back and read through, there is a substantial story gap in-between Rest in Peace Christopher and Stressed, Depressed and Lemon Zest; so for your information this and the next chapter are the ones that had been branching those gaps. So carry on and off you go.


The two were led behind the house to what looked like a rundown barn, surrounded by goats chomping down on tall grass and purple flowers.

"Gandalf." Bilbo whispered. "What did he mean, 'princess'?"

Gandalf didn't even look down at him. He said nothing in return. He just looked and walked ahead to the barn.

Beorn shooed the goats away and unlocked the giant door by a slide bolt, then swung the door open and went inside the dark building.

Gandalf went in first, then Bilbo. The both of them were being extremely cautious, not knowing what was happening.

Sunlight streamed through every gap and crack from the walls to the roof which gave the large place plenty of light for Bilbo to carefully look around. There was nothing really out of the ordinary that you might find in a barn, with tools and chains hanging on the walls, hay bales just about everywhere, and there was even an owl quietly sleeping on a high ledge.

But Beorn was leading them to one of the animal pens that were lined up near the back. He silently looked into one of them before calmly waving the pair over and putting his index finger to his lips, telling them to be quiet.

Now Gandalf could see over the top of the planks that made the doors and walls but Bilbo couldn't; so just picture his tiny figure trying to crane his head in vain.

He only saw Gandalf's reaction as his expression of calculation turned to shock, the sadness.

"What?" Bilbo hiss-pered . "What is it?"

Finally noticing his plight, Beorn slid a stack of boxes like stairs for him to see over the gate, which he nervously looked over.

As soon as he saw what it was, he wished he hadn't.

Her clothes were torn, dirt covered her pale skin, her yellow hair looked matted and tangled, and she looked like she hadn't rested in years.

But absolutely worst of all was the iron shackles around her wrists, chaining her to the floor.

She slept through it though, making low growling noises, like snoring to a normal person. Whatever she had been through, it was strenuous enough to keep her under and not startle her when three men were watching.

It was absolutely heartbreaking to see her like that. She was supposed to be strong; always fighting, always cheeky. But never did he see her as weak.

Just seeing Tanya having been brought so low, something in Bilbo made him jump off the boxes and stumble back through the barn and out the door.

Gandalf and Beorn followed him, although they were more careful about the noise they made.

When the three of them were out of hearing range from what was in the barn, Bilbo snapped. "What in the name of all that is good have you done to her? Let her go." He hissed.

Beorn was not the type to do well under pressure, but he could tell the little fellow cared very much for the princess, so he managed to stay his attitude at the wild accusations. "Those shackles," he pointed back to the barn, "are the only thing keeping everyone here safe." He said.

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