When She Sings, She Sings "Come Home"

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It's a bird. It's a plane. It's an update!!

Thank you so much for your patience- I hope this chapter is worth the wait <3


Unfortunately, sooner rather than later- The Company had started to feel the heavy effects of the Mirky-wood air.

Up was sideways, Sound was bright, and Time had no meaning.

While wandering and miraculously staying on the path up until that point- they eventually found the remains of an old stone bridge that Gandalf may (or may not) have mentioned, but only the pillars on each side of the bank were still in-tact, making the way impassable. 

Bilbo walked to the very edge, as close as he could get without falling into the stream to observe the foggy, opaque grey water. 

"We could try to swim it," Bofur suggested.

But Thorin being the uncharacteristic voice of reason reminds him of the earlier warning, "Didn't you hear what Gandalf said? A dark magic lies upon this forest. The waters of this stream are enchanted." He discerned.

Bilbo took a step away from the broken bridge and turned back around when he heard a groan from the Tanya Creature.

She stood a bit hunched over, with an arm wrapped around stomach.

Hungover or sick from the forest, he could not decide.

"Doesn't look very enchanting to me." Bofur replied to Thorin's comment, with Bilbo nodding in agreement.

Thorin, realizing the predicament, steps away from the bank. "We must find another way across." He observed, leaving everyone to draw their own conclusions.

Bilbo was compelled into staring deeper at the still water- dark and deceptive, carrying contrasting white leaves on its surface like dozens of haunted snowflakes.

As they tried to find another way across; Kili had climbed up on a rotted tree stump to reach a large weaving of dead, rotting vines and tree roots that grew to the other side of the stream. 

"These vines look strong enough." He stated as he began to climb over. 

"Kili." Thorin called him to stop. 

He stared at his nephew like a man knowing a baby is sleeping in the same room, but he has to get to the kitchen because his hot pockets are in the microwave, and he doesn't know how to tiptoe but if he makes too much noise the banshee will wake up.

"We send the lightest first." He declared.

Immediately, he switched to look at Tanya, but she held her hands up to opt-out, so they had to send Bilbo over instead.

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