Chapter twenty eight

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Homura's pov

Mami's body lay dead on the ground. Nagisa was sobbing over her body, "Mami, wake up! Please!! Don't die!" Madoka was the next to start crying, tears flooded from her eyes.

Then Sayaka, but she then turned to Homura with her sword in hand. Homura stood in silence. Kyoko standed over Madoka, who was now crying harder. Kyoko stood in shock over her body, holding back tears.

Sayaka thrashed her sword at Homura, trying to tear her apart. Homura still stood there, even as she bled. Sayaka then began multiplying her swords. Her efforts are useless. Kyoko turned at Homura and hit her with her spear, this almost caught Homura off guard, but she retained her position.

I.. Never wanted to kill Mami.. I just wanted to kill that puny witch, Nagisa Momoe, she doesn't belong here. I would have killed Sayaka Miki, but I don't want to bring Madoka to sorrow.

Homura's body was stained with blood. Sayaka and Kyoko were screaming at her to just die already. The labyrinth faded. Mami's body laid wet in the fountain, her blood running through the water, and so were the tears.

Suddenly, dark clouds came from the sky, everyone looked up

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Suddenly, dark clouds came from the sky, everyone looked up. Madoka.. is that you? Someone came down from the dark skies, she was huge and had a long black dress, but it almost looked familiar.

"Hahahaha.. It's been a while." The evil woman laughed. "You." Sayaka wiped her tears. Homura recognized her instantly, it was Madoka, the real goddess one, but looked more villainous. "You were the one destroyed the heaven of magical girls!" Sayaka yelled. Sayaka then threw multiple swords, but 'Dark-Mado disintegrated then with a simple touch of her fingers.

"Who even are you, and what did you do to the real Madoka?!" Homura demanded.

"I am the dark lord, destroyer of universes, a vicious queen! But you may know me as.. Madoka Kaname."

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