Chapter twelve

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Sayaka's pov

It was evening, Sayaka entered the hospital on her own. She walked up to where Kyosuke was and opened the door. Kyosuke saw her and smiled, "Oh, hi Sayaka!" "Hi Kyosuke." Sayaka greeted him, "How's your wrist doing?" Kyosuke then took a look at his wrist and his smile faded, "I'm.. not sure."

"It'll get better soon, trust me!" Sayaka told him, trying her best to sound cheerful. Kyosuke's smile grew, "Thank you Sayaka, you're a great girl." Sayaka's face turned red. "Th-Thank you!" She stuttered. "Are you alright? Your face looks red." He asked. Sayaka nodded.

Sayaka then handed him more classical music dvds. Kyosuke put on headphones and began listening. I'm happy that he listens to the music he enjoys.


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"Sayaka." Kyosuke said, sounding serious.


"Stop torturing me." Kyosuke told her as he took off his headphones. Sayaka's eyes widened. "I can barely even listen to this music without thinking of that fact." He complained to her. "What do you mean?" Sayaka sweated. "The fact that I'll never be able to play violin again. And I suffer whenever I hear it." Tears started falling from his eyes. I remember it too clearly.

Kyosuke threw the dvd out the window, smashing the glass. Sayaka gasped, "Stop it!" "How about you stop making me suffer!!" Kyosuke snapped. "I can't take this anymore, get out!" Tears flood out of his eyes, as if almost he was more upset than mad.

Sayaka nodded and walked out. She went down the elevator but when she left she saw someone. It was Hitomi, "Sayaka. We need to talk."

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