Chapter three

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Madoka's pov

At the end of the day, Madoka walked out of school among other classmates, but she felt like someone was watching her, only her. Through the crowd of students, she could see those purple eyes watching her.

Homura.. Madoka turned around and kept walking. She then saw her new friends, Sayaka and Hitomi. Hitomi's light green hair was similar to Madoka's, but more wavy. "Where should we go out to eat?" Sayaka asked. "How about this new restaurant that's near the school." Hitomi suggested. Both of them nodded and started walking together.

 Both of them nodded and started walking together

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At the restaurant each of them took their order. "So, Madoka, how do you like it at our school so far?" Hitomi asked while sipping tea. "I like it so far, everyone's really nice!" Madoka's smile then faded, "Well, except for that Homura girl." "Yeah, she's such a weird transfer student!" Sayaka added. "You don't always know what somebody else has going on in their life." Hitomi reminded them while sipping tea. "Well, anyways, I do enjoy it here." Madoka said.

Later on, all three of them had been done eating.
"Bye girls, I have to go because of piano lessons." Hitomi waved goodbye and walked off. Madoka then turned to Sayaka, "What do you want to do now?" "Not sure." Sayaka shrugged.

They then both walked outside and saw something. "Look at that wall!" Sayaka pointed to wall that had some form of black electricity and a circle crack. Both of them rushed over. It started opening more and more. "What's going on!?" Madoka exclaimed. Both of them suddenly got sucked into the hole.

Madoka Magica World of Darkness (AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt