Chapter five

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Madoka's pov

Madoka opened her door and entered her house. Her younger brother, Tatsuya, ran over, "Hi Madoka!!" "Hi Tatsuya!" Madoka smiled. Their parents were unboxing more furniture for their new house. "How do you like it at your new school?" Junko asked. "It's great Mom, I've made some new friends too." Madoka smiled. "That's great sweetie." Junko told her. Madoka went upstairs to her new room, it wasn't as renovated but it still looked nice.

"I wonder why Homura was warning me about Kyubey, he seems really nice." She wondered. "Talking about me?" Said Kyubey as he came through her window. "Oh, Kyubey!" Madoka exclaimed. "Have you decided on a wish yet?" Kyubey asked. Madoka shook her head. "But isn't there something you've been wanting? It doesn't have to be big." Kyubey reminded her.  "Umm.." Madoka pondered, "Maybe I could wish for a pet, like a cat or a dog?" "Maybe something bigger than that, you can only make one wish." Kyubey reminded her again. "You seem so convincing!" Madoka giggled.

"There are always other girls out there, but you and Sayaka Miki seem to have such potential

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"There are always other girls out there, but you and Sayaka Miki seem to have such potential." Kyubey added. "Is there a limit of how long I should take to think of one?" Madoka asked Kyubey. Kyubey shook his head and left the house.

Someone else was standing outside of her window, it was Homura. Why is she here? "Madoka." Homura said with seriousness in her tone "Don't trust Kyubey." Homura had a magical-girl-like outfit. "Homura.. you're a magical girl too?" Madoka asked. Homura's head turned down to the side, "Yes. I am." Homura then leaped down and ran off.

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