Chapter four

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Madoka's pov

"Where are we?" Madoka asked with fear in her tone. "I'm not sure." Sayaka replied worryfully.  Everything was pitch black but had illusion type things going around, they all looked disoriented and non-human, almost like they were going to come attack.  As the biggest one came closer, Sayaka clenched her fist. "Stay away from her!" Sayaka yelled. Madoka then started shaking and held on to Sayaka. Is this the end?

Suddenly, a gunshot was heard and one of the creatures was down. A second gunshot was heard, and another creature was down. A third one hit, the biggest creature was down. Then someone appeared out of the shadows, it was a blonde short haired girl with two low coil shaped pigtails and a fancy outfit. "Did you save us?" Sayaka asked as she let her hands down. "Yes, are you two alright?" The blonde girl asked. Sayaka and Madoka nodded. "Good, I am Mami Tomoe and I am a magical girl." The blonde girl introduced while smiling.

"What's a 'magical girl'?" Madoka asked

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"What's a 'magical girl'?" Madoka asked. "A magical girl is someone who  battles wraiths, those creatures back there, and saves others from harm." Mami told them. "That sounds so cool!"

Sayaka exclaimed "How do you become one?" "You must make a contracted wish." Mami told them. "With who?" Sayaka asked. Then a white cat-like creature walked in, "With me." Mami pointed to the white cat, "This is Kyubey, he grants wishes." "Can we wish for whatever we want?" Sayaka asked with excitement. "Yes! Anything." Kyubey told her. Kyubey sounds exactly like what Homura told me..

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