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wish I could be with you
hold you tight and pull you close,
wish I could be everything you wanted
or the one you chose

I struggled for acceptance
and hustled to be the best man
I did everything in my power
to have you when it's bedtime

Your love I had to earn it
your body language,
I learnt it
I could do anything you wanted,
and to this day, won't regret it

at first you shrugged me off
said my feelings weren't just,
"I only wanted you for your body
and nothing more"

but I proved my love was real
we were inseperable like teens and screens
and I hoped to tie the knot
to have you forever as my beloved

but you left me on this plane
shed your mortal coils to run away
left me broken and in pain,
pain that hurts me till this day

you promised we'd be together
for as long as we loved
but that didn't translate to forever
our together was short lived

oh how I wish we were immortal
I'd spend all my time with you
and I know I'm overbearing
but I want my forever to be with you

Dark Poems Of A Sad MindWhere stories live. Discover now