karma 2

37 7 19

They say she always comes right around and bites
I guess I must have done bad for her to bite me twice
Once beaten, twice shy
That's how I felt
For her to strike back twice, a heavy blow was dealt
I'm on karma's radar and I'm not impressed
She's hunting me down and now I feel depressed
I did nothing wrong, and I'm still being pressed
The universe is alive and it wants me dead

If I knew who I wronged, I'd make things right
I don't want to suffer and live a stress filled life
Karma always comes around
but never does if you've done no harm
I'm scared to die
But I'm scared to death
And with recent events
I might as well be dead
Karma is a bitch and she's out for revenge
And she won't let up until I've met my end

(My brain won't let me sleep, so here I am with another one)

Dark Poems Of A Sad MindWhere stories live. Discover now