Reminiscing about a dead loved one

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As far as love letters go, this may be the worst ever, but it doesn't mean I'm not going to write it.
You're the sunshine during my rainy days, and I know this may sound corny and cliche but I really mean it.
You light up my world and not just because you are my sunshine but because you are literally the only thing keeping me from plunging into darkness.

you believed in me when no one else did, and stood by me when everyone else was against me and supported me when even I lacked faith in myself. You've always been there for me, right from the moment I knew you and way before we became something, before we started hanging out with each other outside of group gatherings, before I told you "I love you" and you replied with "took you long enough".

Before you slapped me that night when I said I was worthless, I should have been annoyed but I wasn't because you helped me clear my mind, and for this, I say thank you.

Thank you for always being there for me, thank you for all the sleepless nights we shared where you were always convincing me to think positively more often, thank you for not thinking of me as self centered even though we almost always talk about me everytime we converse, thank you for making me feel special and for never giving up on me, thank you for helping me practice when I was too lazy to do it myself, thank you for always seeing the good in me, for making me laugh when I'm feeling low, for brightening up my day with your beautiful smile, for smacking me when I'm being too goofy and for understanding me even when I can't comprehend what I'm saying.But most of all, thank you for your big heart.

And I know things didn't work out the way they were supposed to and we never got to share the rest of our lives with each other like we thought we would, but know that I will always cherish each and every single moment spent with you, and looking back to all of this, I regret nothing. But sadly, everything that has a beginning also has an end and it hurts me to see our story end so shortly and abruptly after it barely even begun. But our memories together will always live on in my heart. Goodbye, until we meet again in the afterlife. You have and will always be my one and only.

I'm not crying I swear🥺

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