Act 2

38 6 17

(My rhyme scheme was all over the place here, to the extent that this felt more like a rant than a poem to me, hopefully you don't think it's as bad I think it is)


We're all unpaid actors in this giant set
the play has been on for so long we're gearing up for the end
we facilitate our demise just to meet up with our ends controversies everywhere, this may really be the end

We were never united, it was all just a front
we were always looking to gain something, no matter the cost
we cheat and steal to put us in front
and claim innocence like we don't know what we'd done

We're slowly crumbling and that is a fact
too many opinions, many irrelevant
people getting salty and offended on a whim
for jokes that were once laughed off or dismissed without a scene

Cancel culture is stupid and contradicts itself
they tell you to speak your mind but not to an extent
Freedom of speech is a facade
you speak and you're targeted next
you can't say what's on your mind without being labelled something else
children and adults who don't know how to think for themselves
tell you what to do and if you don't they take offense
Seeking cultural appropriation, but the culture is a mess
with so many different agendas, it would soon collapse on itself

Too many cooks spoil the broth but no one listens
They all put their ingredients without considering
that not everything is compatible
few are oppositions
and mixing together would just create less cohesion
We need wisdom cause we lack vision
Always thinking about the present, but never about the future
We take short term goals over long term success
We'd rather have it now than wait a few more years
Patience is the key, success is the door
haste is a lock pick that won't help in the long run
The door might open for a while, but would eventually lock up
now you're stuck and without the key, there's no where else to run
you've seen the promised land, but it's always out of reach
near success syndrome is what you've managed to achieve.

Everyone talks, few hear and even fewer listen
the key to getting isn't always recieving
if you hoard it all, are you truly living
or are you a machine whose only goal is to keep things
we struggle everyday in multiple ways
life isn't a bed of roses, it gives and also takes
we're running out of time, every second might be our last
the play is rounding up, make sure your acting's up to par
we're all unpaid actors and this is our final act.

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