Little Birdie

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A little birdie once asked me
"hey, why are you so lonely?"
I smiled and shook my head and said
"You wouldn't get it, you're free as a bird,
You got your whole flock with you
so loneliness is not an issue"

To which it replied,
"it may not be,
but I know many people doesn't mean they know me,
we flock together but don't roll together
we might be a clique, but don't know each other,
all I'm saying is you can be lonely in a crowd
so don't let numbers deceive you,
I'm as lonely as you are
but I'm actively working to fix it,
instead of moping like you are
I want to actually make a difference"

I sat and thought about it
The bird was actually helping
If I didn't work on my esteem
My loneliness would always plague me
So I thanked the little birdie
Before it went on it's next journey
Thy say a dog's a man's best friend
But in my case, it's this little bird

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