Looks shall not cover who someone really is

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A/N I'm just gunna try and do longer chapters, which I'm sure no one has a problem with lol. But things are starting to unravel! Be prepared for what I have planned!

Reminder: Only few angels have seen Daedalus. Hitoshi is one of the many who hasn't. 

When your originally an assistant that has plenty of knowledge, you wouldn't expect to have to disguise as a human to go make things harder for the guardian angel.

But he still did what he was told to, not wishing to disappoint the goddess who had created such a system that had lasted for century upon century. But there were many things he could do with the knowledge he had stored in his mind that on he could know unless he spoke it.

Now, Daedalus knew more than enough about humans. He knew what they do, what they wear for different occasions. The basics. He knew every language at that, so it did make his job easier.

Daedalus knows that when he disguises as a human, Lois made sure he would be able to see the guardian angel, Hitoshi Shinsou. Daedalus needed a way to get to the human though. As far as he was aware, Denki Kaminari has been on school grounds for a bit now after going to a mall.

But before he got into that, he needed a pair of cloths that would blend in with people. An outfit that wouldn't draw attention to himself. He usually wore a simple shirt and dress looking pants with a cloak and few other accessories.

He wasn't in human world yet; he was looking for an outfit that would fit the occasion and weather and such. The weather was in the autumn type. Slightly cold but not totally cold. Should be simple enough.

Now that he wore a simple white sweater, with dress pants that he found similar to the ones you usually wore. His black, curly hair was barley messy, as he tried to look presentable and approachable. He had to keep his small pouch like bag with him.

He only had so much time to do this quest, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to get the human to come to him, instead of him going to the human. The number of possibilities were, of course, not endless, but there were plenty of options he could do.


"Oh, hey Midoriya, didn't know you would be here" the human spoke, looking at green haired teen that he seemed to go to school with. The two humans' hair blew in the small breeze that came from the trees that grew from the realm keeper.

"His mom works here" the guardian angel informed the human, who felt stupid for his choice of simple words. "Oh wait! Your mom works here, almost forgot" the human said quickly before the other could inform him of his mistake.

"Yep! I was just about to go inside to help my mom with the work for a bit today. Are coming to get something?" the green haired human asked after informing. "Mhm. I thought it'd be relaxing while getting homework done"

The two humans, and the guardian angel went inside the cafe. The green haired human's guardian angel probably went inside, said building, but Daedalus couldn't see that boy's guardian angel.

Daedalus simply made his way to the cafe himself. Going inside and only sitting a table away from the human. The human had homework on the table, writing away answers and such. The guardian angel was the thing Daedalus stared at.

The way the guardian looked unpleased about what the human put on his homework, as he probably didn't put the right answer, but the guardian let him learn on his own, barley guiding him to the right answer at times.

"Here you go!" a girl's voice spoke. Yellow eyes looked up to see a brown-haired human, who seemed to be helping at the cafe they sat at. "Sup Uraraka! Didn't know you would be helping here to" the blond spoke with a small smile planted on his face, a light pink tinting his face.

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