Chapter 14 - Emotional Mess

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"Boom, it's between Gemini and Mink. Let's not interfere." I said.

"You guys were not interfering earlier right?" Boom asked me sarcastically.

We did not think about anything before we ran to the back of the court after hearing Gemini yell. And we did not even flinch before we warned Mink about her wrongdoings.

We could only think about Mink as a witch. While we forgot how cruel we were while betting on someone's feelings.

Boom's presence reminds me of the fact that I am scumbag.

"I understand. We are not supposed to interfere..."

"Interfere? You are not supposed to talk to my sister this way ever at all." Boom said.

"And Gemini, why are you mad at Mink for such a small thing? What you guys are doing is much worse." Vee added.

Gemini clenched his jaw angrily. While Perth and I clenched our fists.

I took a deep breath to calm down.

"What is going on?" Mink asked.

Boom looked at the three of us and smirked. "Mink, darling why don't you just leave?"

"Why? I am involved here. I have a right to know." She said.

Boom eyed her so intensely that her posture suddenly changed. "Do I have to repeat myself?"

She huffed in frustration before turning to Gemini. "I will give you a chance to think. Whatever happened, you were equally responsible for it." Gemini scoffed looking away and she shook her head and left.

We all glared at each other for a while till we were sure that Mink was far away enough to not hear anything.

"See... I play fair and square. I did not even say anything to my own sister. Now it is your turn to be fair." Boom said and walked closer to us. "If you guys will drag or bully my sister in anyway, I will go straightaway to Nanon and have a heart to heart with him."

"Boom!" I screamed.

"Chill!" Boom smirked.

"Bro, we are just warning you. No offense." Vee said grinning.

"We had a deal." Perth said.

"I am not the one breaking it first. But my sister is important to me." Boom shrugged.

Gemini scratched his head annoyed. "What the fuck! If only I knew she was your sister..."

"If I knew she was getting involved with any of you, I would have pulled her back sooner anyway." Boom said.

"So technically we did not break the deal first. Your sister is taking out personal grudge on Fourth." Perth said.

"Both brother and sister are the same." I mumbled.

"Personal grudge!" He chuckled. "Fine... If you guys want to stoop so low, let me stoop lower." Boom smirked.

"Two days. I am giving you two days to win your bet... Or else your secret will be out."

"YOU JERK!" I marched towards him to punch him.

But Perth and Gemini held me to stop.

"I haven't started being a jerk yet. Just wait and watch." Boom said and grinned looking at our helpless faces. He finally left followed by Vee leaving us baffled.

"FUCK!" I kicked a stone in his direction which landed in between the road but did not reach him.

"Now what?" Perth asked.

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