Chapter 3 - Changing Dynamics

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Freshmen Year:

"This is my seat." Nanon said on the second day of the first semester as a freshman.

"Really? Did you make this? Are you a carpenter by any chance?" Ohm laughed at him making the entire class laugh along.

It was the first time they both met each other.

Nanon took a moment to calm down before smiling at the rude kid he had decided to never tolerate in that very instant. "No. I am a student. The one who comes to study in class. Clearly, you have no idea what is the meaning of the words like student, class or study."

This time everybody got to laugh on the jock. And that's when he decided to never let him be at peace.


"IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A CREAM BREAD. WHY IS IT SPICY?" Nanon yelled at Chimon while drinking the whole bottle of water in one go.

"Oh my god Perth, did you confuse white chili powder with castor sugar again?" Ohm high fived Perth in the food fest after soiling Nanon's order.


*Squish* *Squish*

"Non, your shoes are wet?" Chimon looked at the stained footstep marks across the lab room.

"What? But it isn't raining. I remember I just took my shoes off to get iced tea." Nanon looked down confused. Everyone started laughing at him. While the professor glared at him.

"It's so hot nowadays. Even my shoe and sock are thirsty." Ohm teased.

"Thirsty for tea?" Perth asked.

"Hey... Did I not say it's hot? It craved for iced tea, Perth." Ohm and Perth laughed the loudest along with the entire class.

Nanon looked down on his shoes realizing that someone poured iced tea in it.


"Congratulations Nanon for scoring the highest marks in history." Professor announced.

Ohm, after the class finished. "Bravo, Bravo! Perth, what is a poisonous snake's favorite subject?"

"What is it Ohm?"

"Hissssssstory..." Ohm screamed making everyone hiss at Nanon while teasing him.


Sophomore year:

"Nanon, can you distribute the complimentary lunch coupons in class. Please make sure everyone receives one." The professor said.

"I haven't got any." Ohm said.

"I just gave you one." Nanon replied.

Ohm tore away and chewed the paper. "Where? I can't see it in my hands or my desk."

Gives him one more.

"I still haven't received any." Ohm said throwing away the piece of paper out of class window.

"Sir, he is throwing away the coupon."

"Where is it? I can't see any."

"Whatever. I won't give you any more coupons."

"Sir he doesn't want to give me one." Ohm said and the professor eyed Nanon.

Nanon gave him one more.

The pattern repeated until he gave one of his coupon to him too.

"Sir we are short on coupons."

"Impossible. I gave you a few extra than the class population."

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