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It was the start of the weekend. Lucas was at my house watching a movie, we talked about the kiss but agreed that we weren't ready for anything and that we shouldn't date.

I was disappointed but it was understandable. It was about 9:47pm when we heard a bunch of cars in Jack driveway, of course he was having a party. Lucas picked up his phone and got texts from Jack telling him to come to his house for a party.

"You can go Lucas don't worry." I smiled and he hesitated "no I don't wanna leave you by yourself. Come with me, please?" Lucas asked but I didn't want to go, I'm not the 'oh I don't like parties' stereotype type girl, I just genuinely don't want to be bothered with Jack.

"Lucas I don't want to go but you can, no hard feelings" I added and Lucas just took a breath and we said our goodbyes before he went next door leaving me once again, alone.

I shouldn't be complaining though, I kinda told him to leave. After my 16th zone out of the day I went to change clothes for bed wearing a crop top sleeve and pants with my fuzzy socks

 After my 16th zone out of the day I went to change clothes for bed wearing a crop top sleeve and pants with my fuzzy socks

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As soon as i drifted off about an hour later I heard my window open and things fall over next to the window. I quickly got up and turned the light on to see Jack Relies escaping his own party to come into my room at 11:46pm.

"What the fuck are you doing creep!" I yelled and he shushed me while laughing. He was drunk. I hated drunk people.

"Wow who knew sluts were so uptight" Jack continued to pick on me "Jack get the fuck out of my house right now!" I screamed tears close to forming as I got ptsd from my dad and mom.

"So serious for what." Jack sat on my bed staring at me while I was furious. I walked towards him standing directly in front of him towering him, and he just looks up smiling.

"Jack get the hell out." I said calmly trying to keep my cool, "look, just let me stay here for the night stone" he calls me by my last name which irked my soul. I couldn't just say no to him because that would be rude as hell.

Jack reminded me too much of my dad when he's drunk so if I said 'no you can't stay here' it would feel like I'm saying no to my dad, "fine but you sleep on the floor jackass" I crossed my arms knowing I made a bad decision.

Out of nowhere Jack pulls my waist closer to his face, his nose brushing against my stomach making butterflies form in my stomach "how about I sleep on the end of the bed, you wouldn't want me sleeping on the hard floor huh?" His hands squeezed my side gently as he negotiated with me.

"Fine. And get your hands off me" I don't argue while swatting his hands off my side.

Jack took off his shirt and pants leaving him with only boxer shorts. He laid at the end of the bed and I made my way to the top making a pillow barrier to keep him away.

"Goodnight stone" Jack says smartly

"Goodnight asshole" I reply making him laugh slightly.


I woke up to find Jack still here but i realized my mom was awake and she would walk in any minute "shit! JACK wake up my mom is coming!" I shake him trying to gain his attention but he just pushes me away "Nalani are u up?" My mom yells getting closer to my room.

"JACK IM SERIOUS GET UP AND HIDE!" I whisper scream and he finally gets up slowly sliding under my bed as I pretend to be asleep.

My door opens and my mom walks in " I'm going to the supermarket text me if you want anything!" My mom said joyfully unaware I had a whole man under my bed.

"Mhmm" I groaned to answer my mom and she kissed my forehead before walking out closing my door locking it. Jack slid from under the bed crawling back into my bed "well how long is your lazy ass gonna sleep?!" I questioned looking at the time, for it was already 10:36am, "however long it takes to sleep off this hangover." He muttered while hugging my pillow sleeping right next to me instead of below me.

I lost all interest in talking so I also drifted off to sleep next to the guy I hated most. Very weird and I can't wait to tell Enora all about my day today, she would be surprised.

Is jack gonna be nice for now on?

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