An Egyptian Vacation

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"I won, Molly! I won!" The seven Weasleys looked up from the kitchen table, mouths full of food as their father bounded into the house that morning.

The day started like any other. Elizabeth woke up to help her mother get breakfast ready, and then slowly, one by one, the remaining Weasley siblings trudged out of their rooms and into the kitchen. Percy had his head stuck in a book as usual. Fred and George were busy discussing their latest and greatest prank or something of the like. Ron looked as though he were still asleep, and Ginny stirred at her porridge with no care in the world.

"What did you win, dear?" Molly asked him, taking in her husband's excitement.

"The Daily Prophet Grand Prize Galleon Draw!" he answered, slamming a piece of paper onto the counter. "Seven hundred Galleons!"

"Se- Seven hundred?" the family gaped collectively.

"Seven hundred!" Arthur said again with pure delight written all across his face.

"What are we going to do with that kind of money?" Molly asked, her heart racing just thinking of all the possibilities.

"New brooms!"

"Some new books!"

"A new wand?"

"Yes, yes, all very good ideas, family," Arthur shook his head. "A new wand for you, Ron. Absolutely. But I was thinking, maybe we could go visit Bill and have a vacation in Egypt."

"I think that's a great idea," Elizabeth beamed. "We haven't seen Bill in ages, and most of us have never been on a vacation before."

"I agree," Molly nodded. "A family vacation sounds wonderful."

"Awesome!" Fred, George, and Ginny high-fived one another.

"You look lost in thought," the voice of Elizabeth's older brother broke her from her trance. "What's going on in that weird head of yours?"

"I'm demoting you to second favorite brother after that crack," Elizabeth rolled her eyes, arms resting on the railing before her, staring at the breathtaking pyramids just beyond the home they'd been staying at over the last month. "Everyone else asleep?"

"Yeah," Bill joined her. "Unfortunately. I can't believe how quickly the trip went by. I feel like you all just got here, and now you are going back home."

"I'd imagine that's how all vacations go," Elizabeth said. "Because you're having such a fun time, time goes faster. Even though it went quickly, I'm glad we were all able to come see you. We never would have been able to afford a trip like this."

"I can't thank you all enough for visiting me. I don't even remember the last time we were all together," Bill laughed. "Did you have a fun time?"

Did she ever!

The moment the Weasley family stepped foot into the country, Elizabeth was overwhelmed. The sights, the sounds, the smells, and everything in between. What in Merlin's name was she going to go explore first? Obviously, visiting the eldest sibling (and the main reason for the trip) was the number one priority, but she was mentally preparing herself for the rest of the vacation.

It had been years since any of the siblings saw their older brother, so in an appropriate fashion, a decent amount of tears were shed. Mostly from Elizabeth, but Ginny cried a little bit as well. Elizabeth had always been close with Bill, so she for sure would be spending a decent amount of time together with him, but the girl needed to plan for what she was going to do when they weren't going to spend time together as a family.

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