Kiss My Ass

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"You have to tell us all about Egypt," Isobel gushed as the trio searched the train for an empty compartment. "I've always wanted to visit. Are the pyramids as amazing in person as they are in pictures?"

"Let the girl breathe, Iz," Terry chuckled, sliding a compartment door open. One of the last vacant ones near the back of the train. "You've been bombarding her the second she came through the barrier."

"Well, excuse me for wanting to catch up with my best friend and know how totally awesome her summer was," Isobel plopped down onto the bench seat.

"I'm pretty sure we all know I am Lizzie's best friend," Terry retorted, taking the space across from her. "Go on, tell her, Lizzie. Just make sure you do it gently. We both know how sensitive Iz can be."

"You are such an arse, Terry," Isobel threw a book at him. "I also want to hear about you and Goldstein. You did keep in touch with him, didn't you?"

"I did actually," Lizzie grinned at her friend. "Sorry, Terry, Iz is my best friend."

"How dare you," Terry faked offense, placing a hand over his heart. "I thought we had something special."

After a shared laugh, Elizabeth retold the events of her father winning The Daily Prophet Grand Prize Galleon Draw, how excited her family was that they were taking such a luxurious, in their humble opinion, vacation to go visit a family member and enjoy time together where they never had to worry about money for the first time in their lives. She then, in great detail, told her friends about the adventures she and her siblings took while in Cairo. Her favorite being her, Fred, and George "accidentally" locking Ron in one of the tombs. The three siblings were very fortunate he wasn't able to use his wand to get back at them in retaliation.

"He was so mad," Elizabeth wiped the tears away from her eyes. "I think we ended up running the entirety of the pyramid, trying to get away from him."

"I wish I could have seen that," Isobel grabbed her aching stomach. "That's the funniest thing I've ever heard. I can picture his face. I bet you got the silent treatment afterward."

"He didn't talk to any of us until we left," Elizabeth snickered. "I didn't mind the quiet. It was rather nice."

"That's exactly what I expect him to do," Terry commented, flipping through his Ancient Runes textbook. "Keep an eye out, Lizzie. He might be plotting against you for that."

"I'd like to see him try."

"Anyways," Isobel changed the topic. "You and Goldstein. How's that going?"

"Do I need to leave?" Terry asked. "This isn't going to be the beginning of your "girl talk" time, is it? I've been mentally preparing myself for this. We are teenagers now, and I know you two are going to be insufferable."

"I'd tell you if you need to leave, Terry," Elizabeth told him. "It's nothing like that. Anthony and I just talked over the summer. Nothing out of the ordinary."

"You think I believe that?" Isobel crossed her arms over her chest. "The pink tinge on your cheeks says otherwise."

"He may or may have mentioned a Hogsmeade weekend. Very much implying it was going to be a date," Elizabeth flushed.

The squeal that erupted from Isobel's mouth was something so inhuman, that both Terry and Elizabeth didn't know how the windows on the train stayed together. 

"Bloody hell!"

"Tell me more! Tell me more!" Isobel hopped to her feet, bouncing up and down on her toes, waiting for her friend to give her something else. "Oh, my goodness. You're going to have a boyfriend before I am. That's so unfair."

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