Welcome to the Burrow

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The early morning light shone brightly through the matted curtains, causing the eldest Weasley daughter's eyes to flutter open. With a yawn, a big stretch, and a quick scratch on her cat's head, Elizabeth Weasley hopped out of bed, slid on her slippers, and made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen. Already at the stove was her mother, preparing the morning's breakfast.

"Good morning, Mum," Elizabeth kissed Molly's cheek.

"Good morning, Dear," Molly smiled. "Sleep well?"

"I was able to get a few good hours in," she answered. "I was up reading a lot longer than I thought. That new book I purchased from the neighboring town is so fascinating!"

"I'm glad you're enjoying it so much," Molly chuckled at her daughter's enthusiasm. "If you don't mind, I haven't made my way to the chicken coop yet to collect the eggs. Would you-"

"On it," Elizabeth interrupted, dashing from the kitchen towards the front door. Quickly switching her slippers for her tennis shoes.

Baskets in hand, the young girl made her way to the large, nearly overflowing chicken coop located near the back of the house. Gathering eggs in the morning wasn't the worst chore Elizabeth had to partake in most days. In fact, most of the time, it was rather enjoyable. The cute chickens just so happened to be an added bonus. Who didn't love adorable, little chicks pecking at their feet?

Once Elizabeth started on the second basket, an odd sight appeared upon the horizon. As it came closer, the larger the dark speck became. Her eyes widened when she noticed her father's flying Ford Anglia heading straight for her.

"Oh, bloody hell," she muttered, watching her brothers land the car along the driveway. When their parents found out what they did, they were going to be in deep trouble. "Ron! Fred! George! What in Merlin's name are you doing flying dad's car so early in the morning? Do mom and dad know what you did?"

"Good morning to you too, Lizzie," Fred laughed, hopping out of the now parked car. "Not to worry, the three of us were just picking up someone."

"What?" Elizabeth looked between her three brothers. Completely unaware of the fourth boy climbing out of the car.

"Hi, Lizzie," Harry Potter smiled at her, giving her a nervous wave.

"Harry!" She placed the basket of eggs gently on the ground before launching towards her friend, wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace. "Don't get me wrong, it's great to see you. But what are you doing here exactly?"

"We just saved him from the Dursleys," Ron answered. "You should have seen what they did to his room. It was awful."

"I bet," she pulled away from the boy. "Well, you're just in time for breakfast. I hope you like eggs." She hoisted the two full baskets in the air.

"Starved." The four boys responded.

Together, the four Weasley children, plus Harry, trekked back up to the house. Elizabeth couldn't help but laugh at the way Harry marveled at their home. It was like he ended up on another planet the way he was gawking at the structure. She hurried into the kitchen with her baskets to help her mother with the remainder of breakfast.

"Where have you been?" The matriarch's voice boomed throughout the house.

Oh, so that's where she was. No wonder the kitchen was empty.

"Beds empty. No note! The car, gone. You could have died! You could have been seen," Molly ranted. "Not that I blame you, Harry. You three, just wait until your father gets home."

"You should have seen it, Mum. They had bars on his window," Ron said.

"You best hope I don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley." Molly's retort caused Elizabeth to snort from the kitchen. She loved her mother so much. She could be so brazen; it was enjoyable. From above, Elizabeth could hear the creaking of the stairs, signaling Ginny was finally awake. Her sister could sleep through almost anything.

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