Worst Fears

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News of the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor spread like Fiendfyre after the very first day of classes. From the gossip Elizabeth could pick up from her fellow Ravenclaws and other Houses, it appeared as though Remus Lupin was a brilliant teacher, who knew what he was talking about and teaching. At least seventy-five or so percent of the student body thought such things. The large majority of students representing the silver and green never failed to express their distaste for the man's attire and teaching style. Personally, Elizabeth couldn't wait. After the most boring morning, she was finally going to experience Professor Lupin's class.

"Why are all the tables pushed to the side of the room?" Terry was the first to speak when they all entered the room. The boy dropped his shoulder bag to the ground with a loud thud, looking around to try and figure out exactly what it was they were going to be doing. The only other object that raised any other suspicion was a large wardrobe in the front of the classroom.

"He better not be sending us to Narnia, is all I'm saying," Isobel dropped her bag beside Terry's. "I'm not dueling the White Witch."

"I don't think that wardrobe is the door to Narnia, Iz," Elizabeth laughed at the preposterous thought. "That's just a book."

"Something's inside it," Anthony joined the trio. "I think Professor Lupin is starting us off with a practical this afternoon."

"Already?" Isobel tossed her head back. "I hate when professors do that!"

"Not to worry, Miss MacDougal, not to worry," Professor Lupin chuckled, joining the group of Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs Third Years. "This is all a fun little exercise to see where you're all at. I've looked over your previous class notes, and it's safe to conclude that the last two years for you all have been all but wasted."

"You got that right," the trio nodded.

"With that in mind, I thought it would be a nice starting point for you to learn about Boggarts. Can anyone tell me what a Boggart is? Miss Patil."

"Boggarts are shapeshifters, so no one knows what they look like. They prefer dark places, usually cupboards and like you have in this classroom, wardrobes. Boggarts, when confronted with someone, will change into whatever that person fears most."

"Excellent," Professor Lupin smiled. " Who can tell me how one gets rid of a Boggart? Miss Bones."

"Riddikulus," the blonde Hufflepuff answered. "The spell transforms the Boggart into something humorous. Laughter makes Boggarts go away really quickly. However, the charm can be a little tricky if you don't concentrate."

"Very good," Lupin shook his head. "Five points to each of you. If you all would, take out your wands. The movement for Riddikulus is rather simple. The tiniest flick of your wrist while saying Riddikulus very, very clearly. Repeat after me if you would. Riddikulus!"


"Once more, with feeling," Professor Lupin instructed.

"Riddikulus!" The group of students shouted again.

"Good, good," the man tucked his wand into his robe pocket. "If you'd all make a line in the center of the room, let's all give it a try."

Excited whispers amongst the group erupted as the children haphazardly arranged themselves into a long line before the wardrobe. A few of them shoved others away in an attempt to get near the front of the line.

"Wow, I didn't realize so many people were so anxious to have others know their greatest fear," Isobel muttered while she, Terry, and Elizabeth found themselves closer to the back of the line.

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