Could He Be Any More Obvious?

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The news of Sirius Black's attempt to infiltrate the Gryffindor Common Room was all anyone could talk about for days.

How was he able to get into the castle?

Did anyone help him into the castle?

How was he able to sneak his way up to Gryffindor Tower?

Was he seen or were the Gryffindors wanting to cause drama?

Regardless, the questions and rumors spread throughout Hogwarts with no end in sight it seemed. For some of the student body anyway. The younger students were worried about traveling around the corridors alone. Most of them grouped up together whenever walking around the school grounds. It was almost as if they were afraid Sirius Black was waiting for them behind a portrait or a statue at every corner. The older students couldn't have cared less. They all returned to their normal routines the morning after sleeping in the Great Hall. Elizabeth was one of those students. As was most of Ravenclaw house. Without physical proof of the convicted felon, there was no reason to worry.

The young teen plopped down beside Anthony for their Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Terry and Isobel took the desk behind them. The door at the back of the classroom slammed open, causing the portrait to shake and take cover from the sheer force. To everyone's surprise, Professor Snape and his billowing black robes strode through the center of the room to the front.

"Severus stumbled into the wrong classroom again," Anthony tutted. "Must have been brewing those special potions-."

"Fifteen points from Ravenclaw, Mr. Goldstein," Professor Snape's monotone voice droned from the front table. "Turn to page 394."

"Where's Lupin?" Terry whispered, loud enough for Elizabeth to hear.

"Not here obviously," Isobel replied with a roll of her eyes.

"Excuse me, Professor," Elizabeth shot her hand up into the air while simultaneously flipping her textbook open to the designated page. "Where is Professor Lupin?"

"Not that it is any of your business where your professors are," he answered. "But Professor Lupin is unfit to teach your class today. Page 394."

"Werewolves?" Anthony asked. "That can't be right. Can it?"

"Werewolves aren't on the syllabus for another two weeks," Elizabeth shook her head. "What's Professor Snape doing?"

"I expect complete silence while you read the chapter on werewolves," Professor Snape told the class. "When you've finished, I want two rolls of parchment of the characteristics of them, how you can spot a werewolf, and how you kill them."

Elizabeth shared a look of confusion with Anthony before turning her attention to the text.

A werewolf, also known as a lycanthrope, is a creature that resembles a human being but, upon the complete rise of the full moon, becomes an uncontrollable, fearsome, and deadly wolf. The condition is caused by an infection with lycanthropy. Werewolves are almost indistinguishable in appearance from true wolves. The difference is in behavior.

Elizabeth read over every word slowly and carefully. What was Professor Snape up to? Professor Lupin surely told the Potions Professor which material he wanted the class to cover in his absence. He wouldn't have told Professor Snape to skip through the lesson plans to something planned for something much later in the term. So, what was Professor Snape's play?

A werewolf cannot choose whether or not to transform, no longer remembers who they were once transformed, and is very aggressive. Multiple werewolves are known to kill their best friends or loved ones while in wolf form if they were given the chance. Despite this, they can recall everything they experienced throughout their transformation upon reverting to their human form.

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