Ginny's Freak Out

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The Polyjuice Potion plan was almost a complete failure.

Not only did Ron and Harry learn that Draco was not the Heir of Slytherin (just like Elizabeth said), poor Hermione ended up stuck in the Hospital Wing for weeks because of a small mishap. She missed the start of the term for Merlin's sake! Elizabeth knew it was killing the Gryffindor girl on the inside. Luckily for her, Elizabeth along with Ron and Harry brought Hermione the work she missed every few days as the start of the second term began.

"I still can't get over it," Elizabeth laughed during yet another visit to the Hospital Wing to see her Gryffindor friends. "Why didn't you ask me for help? You know Potions is my niche."

"We didn't brew it wrong," Ron insisted from his seat beside Hermione's bed. "We just had a tiny setback."

"I'm not saying you brewed it wrong," Elizabeth rolled her eyes at her twin. "I'm just saying I could have helped you. At least you were able to get some information. Draco isn't the Heir of Slytherin, just like I said. No potions needed."

"When do you even talk to each other? Don't tell me you're actually friends with him," Ron shook his head. "Must be your "everyone has good in them" mentality. Hate to break it to you, sister, but some people are just downright bad. Malfoy is a perfect example."

"Draco's a jerk. No doubt about it," Elizabeth replied. "But the Heir of Slytherin was way too far-fetched. Now, you can at least agree with me on that."

"He called Hermione a you-know-what," Ron scrunched up his face in pure hatred.

"I'm not saying he didn't," Elizabeth pinched the bridge of her nose. "I'm just saying, it's one thing to say something foul, but it's another thing to physically summon a monster from an unknown chamber in a castle and set it on people he doesn't like."

"I still don't believe it," Ron turned his attention back to Hermione, sitting upright in her hospital bed as she flipped through yet another book she'd checked out in order to find out more about that Chamber and its secrets.

"It's not like we're going to grow up and get married or anything," Elizabeth joked, only to have both her twin and Harry look as though they were about to puke.

"Don't even joke about such a thing," the boys chorused at the same time, sticking their tongues out in disgust.

"Ugh," Ron added. "I'm getting terrible visuals in my head. Thanks for the nightmares, Lizzie."

"You guys are the worst," Elizabeth hopped to her feet with a huff. "I'll see you guys later.

The halls were silent as Elizabeth made her way back towards the Ravenclaw common room. Nothing like a quiet walk to be alone with one's thoughts. The redhead couldn't help but shake her head and laugh at her brother and Harry's absurdity. Could they really not take a joke?

A loud shriek followed by a heart wrenching sob stopped Elizabeth in her tracks. The strange sounded almost.....familiar. After a brief moment, the sound came again. This time, louder and more aggravated. Elizabeth wasted no time, and ran in the direction of the cries. As she turned the corner, her feet splashed in a small puddle of water.

A bathroom?

An overflowing bathroom to be more precise. Whoever was inside must have caused an accident with the toilets.

"Hello?" Elizabeth peered into the vacant bathroom. Water spraying all around the toilet stalls. "Is anyone here? I heard someone in distress."



Elizabeth's eyes widened at the sight of her little sister. Ginny stood, chest heaving in the center of the bathroom. Her hands, though closed tightly into fists, were trembling while her eyes darted back and forth between her older sister and something at the far end of the floor. Ginny's eyes were bloodshot, and Elizabeth could plainly see the tears streaming down her freckled-cheeks.

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