It's Official

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Professor Dumbledore did have an explanation for why the dementors stopped the train on the way to Hogwarts. The dementors were indeed checking the Hogwarts Express for any signs of Sirius Black. Unfortunately for everyone in the castle, the guards of Azkaban prison were going to be stationed around the grounds for the entire year.


On the bright side, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Remus Lupin, looked to be a decent professor which was a nice change, and a fair few of the Ravenclaws around Terry, Isobel, and Elizabeth were already abuzz about what they might be learning this year.

Then there was the promotion of Hagrid to Care of Magical Creatures professor. That announcement caused a few other reactions from the Great Hall. Not all of them were positive, but that didn't phase Elizabeth any. She was even more excited to start Care of Magical Creatures now.


"Are we even sure we are going the right way?" Ron groaned for the tenth time in five minutes as the boy slowly trudged behind his friends and sister. "There's nothing up here."

"Is he always like this?" Elizabeth asked aloud. "Maybe taking two classes with you three was a mistake."

"That's just rude."

The group of four followed behind the other Third-year students down a very long hallway. Once breakfast was finished, Elizabeth quickly joined Hermione, Harry, and her brother and started towards their first class of the day.

"It's a bloody dead end!" Ron complained again. "Where are we supposed to go now?"

"Look up, you buffoon," Elizabeth took her brother's head in her hands, jerking it up so he could see a trapdoor of sorts standing out amongst the stone ceiling.

"Oh, I knew that," Ron turned his head as she let him go. "But how do we get up there?"

As if someone was listening to their dilemma, a trapdoor of sorts opened with a loud smack, alerting the other confused students below.

"Just what I wanted this morning," Elizabeth groaned. "Exercise."

The Ravenclaw followed behind Ron, Hermione, and Harry. As she entered the classroom, Elizabeth was almost left speechless. The room was exactly how one would imagine a Divination classroom to be. A strange hazy smoke hung in the air, floating among the small tables pushed together just enough to get all the students to take the subject. Teacups were placed at every table, ready to be used. At the very front of the room stood Professor Trewlaney, a large smile on her face as the Third-years took their seats.

"She looks like a riot," Anothy came up behind Elizabeth. "Want to sit together?"

"Sure," Elizabeth grinned. "If you don't mind sitting close to the Troubled Trio."

"We aren't troubled," she heard Ron mumble.

"Doesn't bother me any," Anthony slid into the chair beside Elizabeth, right next to the Gryffindors. "Morning, you three."

"Good morning, Anthony," Hermione and Harry chorused.

"Goldstein," Ron narrowed his eyes at the boy, taking notice of how close his sister and the male Ravenclaw were to one another. If he didn't know any better, he was certain that their shoes were touching.

"Ignore him," Elizabeth rolled her eyes, placing her copy of Unfogging the Future on the table beside her teacup.

Slowly, the remaining stragglers joined them in the classroom. The familiar flash of blond hair captured Elizabeth's attention as she and Anthony got situated, waiting for the class to begin. Much to Elizabeth's displeasure, the Slytherin looked like his normal self. No evidence of blood or a broken nose in sight.

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