The Secret Study Spot

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With the school year underway, it was not uncommon to see students beginning to fill up the library once the first week of classes came to a close. Whether it be to stay ahead of the homework already starting to pile up, or camp out overnight for those students who liked to procrastinate just a little too much; the students of Hogwarts claimed their place of preference when it came to which area they liked most.

Elizabeth Weasley was no exception.

Luckily for her, no one was able to find her secret spot in the library. A big enough nook off one of the aisles near the far back of the library was her favorite place to be. The small room was just big enough for a table and two chairs. A "mini-library" as she liked to call it. Complete with each subject a previous student must have collected over the years for whomever used the room next. It was much easier to grab the correct book from the tiny nook than it was to search the vast library. Lastly, and the most enjoyable feature, in Elizabeth's opinion, was the cushioned bay window overlooking the school grounds. It very-well could have been the best view of all of Hogwarts.

So there, in her quiet abode, Elizabeth Weasley sat at the table, scribbling along the parchment of her Astronomy essay that was due at the end of the month. Nothing fancy, thank Merlin, it was only the beginning of term. Professor Sinestra wanted to ease the class in, so she started them off easy with a review essay of the meaning of their specific Zodiac sign. A month and a half to get it done was a bit extreme, but she wouldn't complain. It was easy enough that she could get it done quickly then focus on her Charms homework due the following class.

"Element, check. Strengths and weaknesses, check," she ticked off the specifics needed for the essay. "Likes and dislikes, check. All that's left is the compatibility section. Simple."

Flipping through her Astronomy textbook, Elizabeth started writing again. Her quill was scribbling again with much purpose. She'd be finished with this assignment before dinner, she figured. That would give her enough time to relax in the common room for a decent while with Isobel.

"Stupid Transfiguration homework!"

Or so Elizabeth thought.

The curiosity got the better of her, and quietly placing her quill down and shutting her book, the redhead quietly went to the opening of the room, peeking her head out ever so slightly.

"I am never going to get this."

To the girl's right sat the blond Slytherin, his head lying on top of his textbook. Notes littered the floor as well as a broken quill or two. Good thing there weren't that many students around witnessing the small outburst.

"Umm," she said. "Do you need some help?"

His head shot up. "Oh, it's just you, Weasley. No, I don't need your help."

"I was just being nice," Elizabeth shrugged, going back into the tiny nook. "Suit yourself."

"Wait!" she heard a scuffle followed by a chair squeak. "Wh- Where did you go?"

"What?" the girl poked her head out of the room again.

"There's a room back there?" Draco asked in awe, peering inside.

"Obviously," Elizabeth giggled, moving to the side for the boy to step in. "You've never been here before?"

"Obviously," Draco retorted. "This side of the room just looked like any other wall. Unless you look for the opening, I guess. Do you always use this room?"

"I do," she crossed her arms, leaning against the side of the door frame. "No one else knows about it as far as I'm aware, so I'm able to get my work done without interruption."

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