Potions and Schemes

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The following weeks were quiet.

Too quiet.

Elizabeth was sure Pansy would be out for revenge. She was waiting to strike and embarrass her in some way, just as Elizabeth had done to her in the Great Hall. But nothing happened. No hexes in the hallways. No potions slipped into her drinks.

No nothing.

It was strange, and very out of character.

It made Elizabeth anxious.

"Pass the jewelweed," Elizabeth held out a hand to her potions partner.

Elizabeth enjoyed Professor Snape's potions class. She always did, right from the very first one two years ago. He was knowledgeable, stern, and pushed everyone (albeit, some more than others) to be the best potionier they could be. Unfortunately, not every student saw it that way. Gryffindors mostly. Regardless of the grudge, or whatever it was, that went on between the man and Harry. But that was beside the point.

She was, however, willing to toss all of those admirable traits right out of a castle window after Professor Snape assigned them their potion partners for the term. Of all the students, he had to partner Elizabeth with him.

"What's the magic word?" Blaise Zabini snickered from across the table.

"Now, before I stab you in the hand with the knife in my hand," Elizabeth urged, her head turning swiftly to the side, staring her partner down with complete disdain in her eyes. "If we don't get the jewelweed into the cauldron within the next ten seconds, we fail. And I don't know about you, but I don't fail this class. Ever."

"Merlin, you've become violent. Is this a teenage girl thing?" Draco sighed, handing Elizabeth the final ingredient for their Pepper-Up Potion. "Here, we're not failing our first practical because of something so juvenile."

"You are so lucky other students and a teacher surround us," Elizabeth rolled her eyes, stirring the simmering liquid until it turned into a brilliant shade of scarlet. "Yes!"

"Wait a second," Isobel leaned over the table to compare the potions. "Ours is pink. Zabini, what did we do wrong?"

"You added the Bicorn horn too early," Both Elizabeth and Draco answered in unison, earning a strange look from their tablemates.

"When you have finished brewing your potions, get a vial from the cupboard and fill it to the brim. Stop it, put your names on it then leave it on my desk," Professor Snape's voice droned throughout the room. "You are a talented bunch, for the most part. I expect over 90% of them to be perfect."

"No pressure there," Isobel whispered, moving to grab a vial for her and Blaise's Pepper-Up potion.

One by one, the pairs placed their potions on the front table. Elizabeth and Draco were amongst those to present their finished product. Not to anyone with a brain's surprise. Individually, the two students were near the top of the class regarding potion's class. But together, they were a force to be reckoned with. Damn near perfect at everything they did.

Maybe Snape knew what he was doing when putting the two together, but at the moment, Elizabeth was still too mad at the blond to care.

"Pansy's planning her payback, by the way," Draco told her as the two began packing up their belongings. "I overheard her talking with Bulstrode and Daphne in the common room this morning. I'd be extra cautious if I were you."

"That's putting it lightly," Blaise added when he and Isobel rejoined the table. "She was asking the Sixth Years which poison would be the best to slip into your pumpkin juice at dinner, Weasley."

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