Idiot Twin Brother

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"Did you hear the news?" Isobel jumped onto Elizabeth's bed the next morning, her elbow smacking Elizabeth in the stomach.

"Good morning to you, too, Iz," Elizabeth groaned, rolling to her side. "Yes, clearly I heard the news in my sleep last night."

"Your sarcasm is not needed this early in the school year, thank you," Isobel hit her friend in the head with one of the pillows. "Ron and Harry flew a car into the Whomping Willow last night. Remember Hermione and Ginny freaking out about them missing the train? Well, they did, so that brother of yours and Harry dove a flying car to school. Why do you look like you're going to be sick?"

"Because I might be sick. You've got to be kidding me," Elizabeth groaned a second time, pressing the pillow Isobel threw at her into her face. "My parents are going to be so mad. Those idiots!"

"It's not the first time your brother and Harry got themselves into trouble," Lisa Turpin commented from the neighboring bed. "Looks like this year is going to go the same as last."

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Elizabeth breathed outwardly. The first day of classes hadn't even started yet, and her brother was already getting into trouble. She was sure her parents were going to hear about his joyride and give him a piece of their mind.

Maybe even get a Howler or something.

She could dream.

"Might as well head to breakfast," Elizabeth sighed, tossing the blankets to the side. "Get this day started. I'm not going to get any more sleep today."

As with every first day of classes, the Great Hall was buzzing with activity. The excitement was electric. Radiating off of the newcomers, eager to get started. Elizabeth managed to flash a quick smile to her sister as she passed her by. No doubt Ginny was ready to begin.

On the other hand, Elizabeth also spotted her imbecile for a brother sitting right beside the Boy Wonder. Together, they sat eating their breakfast as if nothing had happened. Elizabeth couldn't help but roll her eyes. They got away with everything.

"We're never going to have a normal year, are we?" Isobel asked aloud, helping herself to the large spread on the table. "Anyway, did you guys bring any new vinyls for the machine? I looked at the pile, and a lot of the Seventh Years took their home when they graduated. We are in serious need of restocking."

Professor Flitwick started his way down the Ravenclaw table, handing out class schedules to waiting hands. Elizabeth, ignoring Isobel's questioning gaze for the moment, opened hers, seeing what the damage was going to be. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays was Transfiguration, History of Magic, and Defense with Astronomy on Wednesday night. Herbology, Charms, and Double Potions were on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Not the worst, but not the best.

"Yes, we have Transfiguration with Hufflepuff first!" Terry exclaimed. "Ernie still owes me a Galleon from our game of Exploding Snap last year. I bet the prick thinks I forgot about it. I'll show him."

"You do that, Terry," Isobel remarked. "Lizzie, were you listening to me?"

"I heard you," she answered. "If I can start tutoring right away, I should be able to get Foreigner. Fred, George, and I went into the Muggle town over the summer to look around and stuff. There was a really cool record shop."

"All right," Iz grinned. "We finally converted you. See, Terry. I told you Foreigner was the best introduction for the lame witches and wizards who know nothing about great music."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Terry rolled his eyes. "Queen, helped, too. I'm sure of it. Can't forget about-"

"Whitesnake. We know," Isobel and Elizabeth stated in unison.

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