Will Defense Against the Dark Arts Ever Be Fun?

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The moment Elizabeth walked into Defense Against the Dark Arts with Isobel and Terry at her side, she knew the class was going to be her least favorite of the year. If not ever. She knew it the day the Hogwarts book list came out, but being in the room in person made it quite clear.

Pictures of Gilderoy Lockhart hung from just about every inch of the room. Their obnoxiously bright teeth shined back at them as they took a seat at one of the tables near the very back. None of the Ravenclaw trio wanted to be seen or heard, and the best bet was to stay as far away from the professor as possible. Professor Lockhart himself stood at the top of the tiny staircase, grinning down at each and every one of them as if he were a contestant for the "Brightest Smile Award." Again.

"I'd love nothing more than to knock in those perfect teeth of his," Isobel remarked under her breath, taking out some blank parchment and a quill. "He'd have nothing to smile about if he had no teeth."

"At least it's the last class of the day," Elizabeth tried to sound positive. Though she couldn't really believe it herself. She'd been dreading this class all day.

"Good afternoon, all," Lockhart spoke from above them once everyone was seated and settled in. "Welcome to your Defense Against the Dark Arts class with your new professor. Me."

The three friends shared an annoyed glance. The man was so full of himself. This year was going to be a complete nightmare. Worse than the last, if that was even possible.

"I thought," he continued on, walking down the steps in an unnecessarily dramatic fashion. "To start off this year, we'd have a little quiz."

Everyone groaned.

"Now, now," he grabbed a very, very large stack of papers on his desk. "Not to worry. I won't be grading it. It's to see where you all are at, and which direction this class will go in this term."

"What is Gilderoy's favorite color?" Isobel read aloud, handing the remaining quizzes in the stack to her friends. "Oh, no. It's one of those quizzes."

"No need to talk," Lockhart said. "Start!"

"You've got to be kidding me," Elizabeth muttered to herself, twirling the quill between her fingers.

2. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's secret ambition?

3. What, in your opinion, is Gilderoy Lockhart's greatest achievement to date?

4. What was Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite class during his time at Hogwarts?

Never in Elizabeth's young life had she ever wanted to fail a quiz so badly. Unfortunately, because of her mother who read most of her textbooks around the house at the end of the summer aloud, she knew a fair few of them.

But not all of them.

Thank Merlin for that!

Thankfully, and what Elizabeth thought was completely intentional, it took the entire class to take Lockhart's ridiculous quiz. Fifty-four nonsensical questions about their conceited professor. If this was only the first day, what was in store for them the rest of the year?

"I wish I could see Lockhart's face when he reads the answers I put to his silly questions," Isobel snickered once they left and finished for the day. "He's going to love me after it."

"Oh no," Terry groaned. "What did you do?"

"Exactly what you think I did," she laughed, leading the group towards Ravenclaw tower. "What? Did both of you answer them correctly? Lizzie, come on! You hate the guy as much as I do."

"Pretty sure I failed it," Elizabeth answered honestly. "But due to my dear, sweet mother who loves reading everything that man ever writes, I knew some of the answers. Not all, but a few. The other ones I put down something that sounded right. You made fun of the man, didn't you?"

"You're damn right I did," Isobel grinned, skipping to the staircase. "Hey, Lizzie. Isn't that your sister?"

"Huh?" Elizabeth whipped around to see Ginny making her way into the girl's restroom. "I'll meet you guys in the common room before dinner. Ginny! Hey, Ginny!"

The eldest Weasley daughter followed her little sister into the vacant restroom. Scanning the stalls, her eyes fell on the little Gryffindor, who'd taken a seat along the far wall by the sinks. The girl pulled out a tiny, black book from her shoulder bag and quickly began writing inside it.

"Hey Ginny," Elizabeth knelt down beside her. "When did you get a diary?"

"It's not a diary," Ginny immediately slammed the book shut. "Why did you follow me?"

"I wanted to ask how your first day of classes went," she smiled at her little sister. "I remember my first day. It was so exciting. I didn't want it to end."

"I know. You told me in the letters you sent," Ginny laughed. "It was fine. I think I am really going to like Transfiguration and Charms. Herbology is boring. And don't get me started on History of Magic."

"I'm with you there," Elizabeth agreed. "Have you made any friends yet? I hope Ron, Fred, George, and Percy aren't being too hard on you."

"Not friend friends yet," she sighed, her hand subconsciously reaching for the small book again only to stop herself before she could grasp it. "But there are a few people in my house that seem ok. It is only the first day after all."

"You're right. It took me a few days to really find the right people," Elizabeth sighed. "I'm glad you had a good first day. Tell the others I say hello, will you?"

"Course," Ginny forced a smile. "Um, well, I have to get back to the common room so I can unpack all my stuff before dinner. I'll see you later, Lizzie."

Ginny rushed to her feet, grabbed her belongings, and left Elizabeth alone in the restroom. That was very odd, Elizabeth thought with a shake of her head. What was up with that book? Elizabeth had never seen it before. Maybe Ginny asked Mum for it when the family went to Diagon Alley or something.    

Ah, yes

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Ah, yes. 
The ever fun Lockhart Defense Class chapter. 

Kinda wanted to skip this chapter since it wasn't very long, but the entire part of Chamber of Secrets is short enough already. 
So why not add in some extra filler? 

Not to worry, the rest is much longer from here and more exciting. 

Draco returns next chapter.

What's that interaction going to be like?

Question of the Day: What are some other nicknames for the name Elizabeth besides Lizzie?

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