'Diagonally' is Nowhere Close to 'Knockturn' Alley

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As it turned out, Harry was not a very good de-gnomer.

It took the boy a little while to get used to the idea of tossing the small creatures out of the Burrow's yard, but he was getting better. Slowly getting better.

A week after Harry arrived at the Burrow, the three soon-to-be Second Years were playing a game of Exploding Snap in the living room when an owl flew onto the windowsill. Well, Harry and Ron were playing Exploding Snap. Elizabeth was preoccupied with her book in the corner of the room.

"Anyone fancy a trip to Diagon Alley?" Fred snatched up the multiple letters tied to the owl's leg, immediately opening the letter with his name on it to see the usual school list for the upcoming term. "Harry, Hogwarts sent your letter. They must know you're here. Merlin, Mum. This lot isn't going to come cheap."

"We'll manage," Molly replied, sneaking a look over her son's shoulder. "Oh my, Gilderoy Lockhart's books? This has to be his entire collection. Your new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor must be a big fan of his."

"Mostly likely a witch who's got a huge crush on the man. Mum, why didn't you tell us you applied for the position," Elizabeth commented, setting the book down on the side table. "Looks like another year of terrible Defense classes."

"Elizabeth," Molly gasped loudly. "How could you say such a thing? The man is legendary. He's wonderful. He's- he's..."

"A fraud," Elizabeth finished, scanning over the remaining items on her school list. "Don't look at me like that, Mum. His tales are way too good to be true. No witch or wizard could have done all of those things. One or two maybe, but not all of them."

"That's just your opinion, dear," Molly huffed.

"I'm just stating the facts, Mum," Elizabeth shook her head. "Do you think we could make the trip to Diagon Alley today? All of the chores are done. We'll be getting it out of the way."

"That sounds like an excellent idea," Arthur said. "What do you think, Molly?"

"Now's as good a time as any," she agreed. "All right, children. You have ten minutes to get ready. We'll travel by Floo. Which reminds me, dear. We must purchase some more powder when we get there. I 'd say we will be almost out after this trip."

"Floo?" Harry asked, joining Ron and Elizabeth at the fireplace. "What's that?"

"Oh, shoot," Elizabeth mentally smacked herself in the forehead. "Mum, Harry's never traveled by Floo Powder before. Maybe we should show him first."

"I'm sorry, Harry," Molly apologized. "Elizabeth, you and Ron go first, and show the boy how it's done."

Together, the youngest Weasley twins stepped into the fireplace. Harry looked at them with wide eyes. What on Earth were they doing? Ron took a large handful of the powder from the pot Molly was holding.

"Now, you have to speak loudly and clearly when traveling by Floo Powder, Harry," Molly instructed. "If you don't, well. We'll deal with that later."

"Ron's figured that one out the hard way," Elizabeth laughed. "That was a fun afternoon."

"I thought we agreed to never to bring that up again," Ron narrowed his eyes on his sister.

"Just throw the powder down already. I have to go get treats for Winnie," Elizabeth said.

"Diagon Alley!" Ron shouted.

The fireplace roared in front of the remaining family members and Harry. His eyes widened at what he'd just witnessed. Ron and Elizabeth vanished right before his eyes in a puff of emerald green smoke.

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