Chapter 1- Visitor

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Sherlock busted through 221B Baker St., and yelled through the flat.

"What is it, Sherlock?" John yelled down the stairs as Sherlock quickly ran into their shared part of the flat.

"Im having someone over." He hung up his coat, along with his scarf.

"A client?" John sat in his usual chair, sipping a cup of tea. Sherlock had just returned from giving the finishing details of a murder case to Lestrade and Donovan.

"No. An old friend." Sherlock walked over in front of the window, and picked up his violin gracefully.

"Im sorry what? You? Friends? You must be joking." John scoffed, and Sherlock began playing his violin, to help him think.

"Yes. A lady friend if you will." Sherlock continued to play the complicated instrument, not facing John.

~1 Hour Earlier~

Sherlock looked down at his phone, as he continued to walk to report back to Lestrade and Donovan. He opened up his messages, and saw a text from an unknown number.

'Im in London. Haven't seen you in ages, Mr.Holmes. Will be at your flat in 2 hours. -MB'

Sherlock knew exactly who it was, by the initials the woman had put at the end of the message.

Marie Beckham.

Marie was an old friend of Sherlock, and even Mycroft's. They hadn't seen each other in at least 14 years, and they probably had a lot of catching up to do. Marie had the same brilliant mind that Sherlock had, which made them great friends. As children, they would sit in the cafe, deducing people, and snickering at them. Sherlock knew that she had went to see Mycroft first, due to her knowing that the pair didnt get along, very well at all.

He continued walking down the lengthy streets, trying to hurry so he wouldn't be late for Marie. Sherlock quickly walked into the building where Lestrade resides in, along with Donovan, and made his way to their desks. He threw the papers he had written up earlier in the day at Lestrade, and he was startled by the amount of papers being thrown at him. Holmes heard Lestrade call behind him, but he ignored him, and hailed a cab to get back to Baker St.

~Present Time~

Sherlock sat in his chair now, in his thinking position.

'Why did Marie want to come and visit so late in the future?'

'Did she need help on a case? Was she in danger?'

'What if she was hired by Mycroft to spy on me?'

Sherlock threw his superstitions aside, when he heard the door bell ring. John looked at him expectantly, and Sherlock stood up, brushed himself off, and made his way to the door. He walked down the stairs swiftly, knowing that Ms. Beckham already knew it was him, by the sound of how he walked down the steps. He opened the door, to see the brown haired, blue eyed woman who stood in front of him.

"Sherly" She smirked as she said his name, and she could feel Sherlock deducing her.

"Marie. Come inside." Sherlock was surprised at how professional she looked, with her black pencil skirt, and tightly fit, yet elegant pea coat. He smiled sincerely at the woman, gesturing for her to come inside. Her heels clicked on the wood floor as she entered 221B, and walked up the stairs, already knowing where to go. Sherlock followed close behind her, the thoughts of why she was here coming back.

She studied the room, as she entered it. Sherlock filed in behind her, and he saw John get up, and walk over to them.

"Im John Wat-" Marie turned to him quickly, and Sherlock could tell she was studying him quickly.

"I know very well who you are." She smiled slightly and walked gracefully around the room, the back of her pea coat bouncing along with her hips.

John looked at her confused as she somewhat paced the room looking at everything.

"Afghanistan or Iraq?" Marie turned to him. Looking him straight in the eyes. John rolled his eyes, and Marie smiled a bit, already knowing what he was thinking.

"I know there is only one other person who already asked you that, without any context." Her gaze turned to Sherlock, and she put her hands behind her back, linking her fingers. Sherlock looked at her impressed, and walked into the kitchen, rummaging through the fridge, yet he found nothing but a decapitated head, and a few fingers.

He called for Mrs. Hudsen, and then ran down the stairs, and into her kitchen. Beckham modestly sat in Sherlock's usual chair, and crossed her legs. She watched John sit in the chair directly across from her.

"So youre an old friend of Sherlock's?"

She cocked her head to the side, and studied him carefully, and John could feel it.

"Yes. How long have you guys lived together?"

John turned around and saw Sherlock carrying two glasses of wine. He then motioned for John to get up and leave. Marie noticed that John was annoyed, and that Sherlock did this quite often. John hesitantly got up, and started walking out of the room.

Marie turned her attention to Sherlock, who had handed her the glass of wine, and she took a sip of it as she watched him sit down.

"Sherly. How have you been. So long since we last met." She watched his movements, closely.

She picked up that he had been sharing the flat with John for about 2 years now, and he had taken his job into the real world, as a consulting detective. Sherlock watched her, and deducted her carefully. All Sherlock could conclude, is that she wanted to come on short notice. He couldnt read her barely at all.

"Quite well. Being a consultive detective has it ups and downs." Sherlock took a sip of his wine, and then picked up his violin.

"I imagine so. Tell me about John. I read his blog. Quite interesting, the cases you solve." Marie smirked arrogantly, and took another sip of her wine. Sherlock rolled his eyes, and got up, and stood behind Marie, facing the window.

"John is quite a good man. Has his moments, like us all." Marie got up, and watched as Sherlock began to play his instrument. Marie walked over, next to him, and stared out the window as well.

"So why did you come here, Beckham?" He placed the violin down on its stand, and turned to her.

"I wanted to get in touch. Mycroft contacted me. Said it would be nice if I dropped by your place." She held the wine with both hands, and didn't turn to Sherlock, but she could feel him trying to deduce her once again.

"You should stay. Would be nice to have an old friend around. John would probably hate it at first, due to your arrogant personality. But he'll come around." She laughed slightly, and Sherlock looked at her confused.

"What is it?" Marie turned to him, and took another sip of her wine. Marie knew that John was listening in, from the stairs, along with Mrs. Hudson.

"If I'm only as arrogant as you, how does he put up with you?" Ms. Beckham walked into the kitchen, making eye contact with John as she saw him sitting on the stairs. She opened a jar, which contained assorted human eye balls.

She turned to Holmes, and a smile came upon his face.

"He doesn't." Marie smiled, along with Sherlock as John entered the room. He looked at the pair, and made his way to his room, suspicious, of the new woman that was from Sherlock's hidden past.

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