The Bar, pt. 1

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(I'm not sure if drinking alcohol falls under the nsfw category or like an uncomfortable spot but there will be mentions of it in this chapter and most of the neighbors drinking. If this kind of thing makes you uncomfortable, I would advise skipping this one. I wouldn't mention it but they are of age and are going to a bar, so it just feels fitting. Also, I guess you could say this is a female reader because of the song Eddie sings, but it could work either way! No she/her pronouns are used in the actual prose part so this is still gender neutral. Anyways, enjoy! I'm writing this from panama city beach!- Fred<3)

One bright Friday evening, Julie suggested that the neighborhood should go and do karaoke at bar outside of the neighborhood. She is familiar with the place, and has been going here since she was little with her sisters and brothers. Eddie was super excited, while you on the other hand were not. You were sure you were terrible at singing, and you heard the place was very busy. What if you saw someone who you knew before? Your hands trembled in fear, but if Eddie wanted to go, you were going too. 

All the people who wanted to go, Eddie, you, Frank, Howdy, Julie and Sally, were gathered in Julie's living room. You were all getting all the stuff you needed to go, like ID's, extra makeup, essentials, etc. Everyone else had endless amounts of energy. You just wished you could say the same.

"Are you sure you're ready for this sort of thing? You seem pretty anxious to be in public spaces," Eddie confronted you. 

"Yeah, hon. I wanna spend the night with you," you respond.

"We can stay home if you'd like. We don't always have to do what I want to do. Your opinion matters too," he offers.

"No, I'm sure I want to do this. I'm just anxious," you lie.

"Okay," he says unsurely.

"Sally it's your turn to be the designated driver," Julie claimed.

"Ugh, alright. I'm not good at driving anyways," Sally groaned.

"I'll take her place. Besides, I'm the most level headed one out of all of you," Frank interrupted.

"If anyone has anything you need to carry, I got extra space in my pockets," Eddie said.

"For once can you please stop bragging about your man pockets?" Julie sighed.

"Never," Eddie grinned. 

He stood up in the middle of the room and started taking everybody's things. His outfit was so handsome that you almost gasped in front of everyone. He was wearing his traditional jeans, but with a large belt buckle depicting a cow. He also had on a pair of genuine leather cowboy boots that clicked every time he took a step. His soft red flannel complimented his skin tone, and to top it all off, a cowboy hat sat upon his gorgeous auburn hair. The energy he off-put was warm and soothing compared to your nervous wreck. 

Once everyone agreed it was time to go, you and everyone else crammed in Howdy's car(he is the only one with a car big enough to fit this many people). Frank adjusted the seat closer so that he could reach the pedals. You held Eddie's hat in your lap and rested your head on his shoulder. Listening to your friends bickering helped you relax a bit. 

"Haha Howdy has a mom van!" Sally and Julie snickered. 

"Says the people who don't have cars. Julie, you got your license taken away!" Howdy countered. 

You tried to laugh off your nervousness, but the closer that you got the shakier you got. Eddie rubbed your thigh and held your hand in efforts to calm you, but it was no use. The anxiety was inevitable. Once you all got out of the car at the busy spot, Eddie held you close and kissed you on the cheek.

"Sugar, I got something I need to ask you," he stated.

"W-what is- is it?" you stuttered. 

"Is it ok if I drink tonight? I know you're very nervous and I want to be there for you if you don't feel comfortable. Not saying that I won't be regardless, but I'm already not the brightest, and if I get something in my system, I won't be the best at comforting you or thinking of solutions to problems. So, I wanted to ask permission before I do something like that," he explained.

"I want you to have fun my love, don't worry about me. I'm sure things will be alright. Now, we have to catch up with the others, c'mon," you rush.

"I love you, Y/N" Eddie burrowed his face into your neck to give you kisses. 

"I-I love you too," you respond, pushing him away and taking his hand. 

Julie had already snagged the group a table by talking to the manager who recognized her. A heavy smell of alcohol and cigar smoke drifted throughout the open venue that trigged your stomach. Many people in the room turned their eyes to you, which resulted in Eddie glaring at them. He was doing everything he could do to make you feel safe. 

Approaching your table of friends, you immediately noticed they were acting a lot more rowdy than they usually do. Howdy held glasses in each of his arms, taking sips of each of the different color liquids. Sally and Julie clinked two glasses together that were pink with cotton candy on top. All you could wonder how they got all these drinks in the five minutes that you and Eddie had stayed behind. It didn't matter, before you knew it you were taking a sip of Julie's pretty drink. You didn't really like drinking, but you did it to impress other people. Eddie was downing whiskey like it was water. 

"Guys who's singing tonight?" Julie exclaimed with excitement. 

"Everybody has to do it. If you don't, then we'll make you pay for all the drinks!" Sally dared. 

"I call signing with Howdy," Eddie said. 

"Well we call singing with Y/N!" Sally and Julie replied.

"Next round you and I are singing, Julie," Frank stated. 

You sat completely still. You knew that Sally and Julie could definitely sing, but you were terrible. You really didn't want to embarrass yourself in front of Eddie like that. You leaned into Eddie and took his hand to let him know you were uncomfortable. 

"Eddie, I don't know if I feel safe doing this, I'm just going to embarrass myself," you say.

"Don't worry darlin, you can't embarrass yourself that bad compared to some of these people. I really want to hear you sing, but you don't have to if you don't wanna. You do what's right for you, sugar," he comforted.

"Eddie, we're on! Let's go!" Howdy exclaimed. 

"Love you," Eddie said while giving you a kiss on the cheek,

"Love you too," you reply. 

They walk up to a stage in the corner of the room. They both grab microphones and giggle at each other. A loud noise came from the DJ beside them in a booth. 

"Give it up for our second group of people tonight who are brave enough to do something like this! Here's Eddie and Howdy with Kiss the Girl from The Little Mermaid," the speaker boomed.

Our table clapped and hollered as loud as we could. Eddie blew you a kiss from the stage and Howdy waved at Frank. Eddie took a deep breath and spoke into the microphone. 

"This one is for my darlin, Y/N. I love you," he announced. 

Music started to play. 

𝔼𝕕𝕕𝕚𝕖 𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕣 𝕏 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora